Present or Not Present Card Transactions? - Payment Processing News

Present or Not Present Card Transactions?

When plastic cards become digital tokens, they become virtual. So how do you say that the Card is Present or Not Present.  The legendary regulatory difference that the cards industry has relied on to differentiate between interchange fees for Card Present and Card Not Present transactions.

Apple secured Card Present preferential rates for transactions acquired by iTunes on the basis that the card’s legitimacy is verified with the issuer at the time of registration and the token minimizes probability of fraud. If an API call to the issuing bank is sufficient to say that the Card is Present, who is to say that the same logic can’t apply to online merchants who also verify the authenticity of Cards on File when they tokenize them? How can one arbitrarily say that the transaction processed with token from an online merchant is Card Not Present, but the one processed with Apple Pay is Card Present even though both might have made the same API call to the bank to verify the card’s validity?

In the Apple case, a physical picture of the card is taken and used to verify that the person registering the card has it. It is not that hard for an online merchant to verify that the Card on File converted as a token does belong to the person performing an online transaction.

As we move towards chip and pin the card present merchants will spend substantial money upgrading their hardware and POS systems. That expense will be offset by that savings in losses due to fraud. MOTO and e-commerce transactions ( card NOT present ) will always have a higher cost because the nature of processing is NON face to face transactions. Of course the fraud and losses are higher when the card is manually entered or given to someone over the phone……Face to face will always have the lowest cost per transaction because it is usually the final step in the sale. Restaurants are low risk because you had the transaction AFTER you eat. If there is a dispute it happens before the merchant even sees the credit card.

In the long run, as cards become digital and virtual through tokens, we are all going to wonder if card is present or not present. May be some will say. Card is a ghost.

September 16th, 2014 by