How online payments can help improve health care efficacy? 76 percent of providers said that it took more than one month to collect from a patient. However, patients have made it clear that they prefer to have the option of making payments online. Consumer responsibility is also increasing, but many providers still rely on paper-based, manual payment collection and posting processes. As a result of waiting for those payments, providers are spending more money and more time to collect, yet still accumulating a large amount of bad debt.

The majority of providers 76 percent did say that they offered the option of online payments to their patients. As providers and their clients increasingly rely on consumer payments for revenue, many have started to use more consumer-centered strategies, like payment plans, to collect payments. However, they will have to implement best practices and policies, including automating payments and communications and ensuring payment data is secure, to improve collection processes.

June 23rd, 2014 by