
There are a lot more details of what makes up a credit card rate, this information is a good start to know more about a merchant account. All merchant accounts are subject to the same costs with respect to interchange fees and assessments.

Most rates are made up of three parts:

Assessments – are paid directly to card network associations (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc.)

Interchange – are paid to the issuing bank that issued the card, and is typically made up of a flat rate.

Card present transactions (the card is physically present or swiped) are typically lower than card-not-present transactions (the card is keyed-In like e-commerce and mail-order transactions).

Card-not-present transactions have higher interchange rates because they are riskier.

Processor fees – the fees involved with providing the service, risk assessments, the type and size of the transaction. This includes the margin between the total rate and the two previous parts, along with other fees, like chargeback or statement fees.

April 25th, 2016 by