Archives for September, 2014
Email remains king in the types of digital marketing businesses. Fifty four percent of businesses view email as the most
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, e-commerce & m-commerce Tagged with: Content marketing, customer service, digital marketing, digital marketing businesses, e-commerce marketing, email, Internet marketing, Mobile marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, social media, websites
If your retail business products sells only in-store, then you’re falling behind. Consumers in the digital age expect options when
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, e-commerce & m-commerce Tagged with: brick and mortar, business products, consumers, customers, digital world, e-commerce, email, mobile app, multi-channel sales, online and in-store, online shoppers, online shopping, phones, products, retail business, SEO, shoppers, Smartphones, tablets, web
WE ARE ATTUNED TO DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM. We are an explorer on a journey of self-discovery and soul growth.
Posted in Daily Inspiration
The CVV Number (Card Verification Value) on your credit card or debit card is a 3 digit number on VISA, MasterCard and Discover branded
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Point of Sale, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: (Card Verification Value), (CVC2), American Express, atm, authorization data, bank/cardholder, card holder data, card identification number, card issuers, Card Not Present transactions, card number, card numbers, card security code, card validation code, card-not-present, card-present transactions, cardholder, cards, cash advance, chip cards, CID, code, Contactless card, credit, credit-card, CSC, customer, customer service, CVC1, CVV Number, CVV1, CVV2, Data Security Standard, debit, debit card, debit cards, device, Diners Club, Discover, fax, gateways, iCVV or Dynamic CVV, individual transaction, internet, issuer, JCB credit, magnetic stripe, mail, MasterCard, merchant, payment card, Payment Card Industry, payment card transactions, payment gateways, PCI-DSS, Personal Identification Number, PIN, point of sale, post transaction authorization, security codes, telephone, terminals, unique card code, virtual terminals, visa, web-based payment
Home Depot, US retail chain says that 56 million payment cards are at risk following a malware-laden cyber-attack on eftpos
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Point of Sale Tagged with: banking partners, Breach, call center, card information, cards, Chip and PIN, credit monitoring, credit monitoring services, customers, cyber-attack, data breach, EMV, EMV standard, Malware, payment, payment card information, payment cards, PIN pads, point of sale, risk
Consumers know how hard it is to obtain a credit card, if your credit score isn’t up to par. A
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: account, applicants, card, consumers, COSIGNED CREDIT CARDS, credit, credit card bill, credit history, credit limits, credit report, credit score, credit-card, creditor, customers, deposit, down payment, good credit, interest rates, low credit limits, MasterCard, payment, poor credit, RETAIL STORE CARDS, retail stores, SECURED CREDIT CARDS, store credit cards, SUBPRIME CREDIT CARDS, visa, Visa and MasterCard
When I awake I shall be satisfied, beholding your likeness. (Psalm 17:15) I BEHOLD THE CHRIST IN YOU From time
Posted in Uncategorized
FREE THE FLOW OF GOOD IN YOUR LIFE. Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us.
Posted in Uncategorized
CREDIT CARD NUMBER’S ANATOMY The numbers on front of a credit card aren’t just random. They give away specific information
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: (BIN), account number, American Express cards, Bank Identification number, card, card issuer, card number, check digit or checksum, credit, credit card issuer, credit card number, credit-card, Discover, entertainment cards, issuer identification number, MasterCard, online shopping site, personal account number, Visa credit cards
MasterCard is claiming a 98% success rate for pilot trials of a biometric verification system combining both voice and facial
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: Android, Android and iOS operating systems, Apple Pay, Apple's TouchID, beta mobile app, biometric card, biometric card technology, biometric verification, biometric verification system, card, card technology, consumer, currency, e-commerce, facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, fingerprint recognition system, fraud, iOS, iOS operating systems, iris recognition, mass market, MasterCard, mobile app, payments authentication, platform, rate, transactions, verification rate, verification system, voice and facial recognition