Archives for January, 2017
Selecting a Payment Provider Selecting electronic payments provider for your business is critical. NTC believes that the process starts with
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: cnp, credit card, customer, e-commerce, electronic payments, internet, merchant account, online, payment provider, payments, retail, transaction
U.S. Based Payment Processing Account? How do you get a U.S.-based payment processing account when you are based outside of
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: credit card, merchant account, payment, Security
PIN vs. Signature: What’s the Difference? PIN Debit – PIN transactions are routed through what are known as (EFT) electronic
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: credit card, customer, debit, debit card, electronic, electronic funds transfer, online, payment, PIN, POS, terminal, transactions
How to set up a travel merchant account? First, you need to find a Merchant Service Provider. Put together your
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: ach, credit card, e-commerce, E-Pay, Electronic Check, merchant account, merchant service provider, mobile, payments, shopping carts, terminal, transaction, travel, virtual merchant
What Makes Up The Rate That You’re Paying? Most rates are made up of three parts: Interchange – Goes to
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: bank, card, card network, chargeback, credit card, merchant, payment, processor, transaction
Qualified vs Non-Qualified credit card rates The most common forms of rate structures for credit card rates are: 2-Tiered: Qualified
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged with: card-not-present, consumer, credit card, merchant, payment, processor, transaction
Card-Present vs Card-Not-Present – It’s important for a merchant to know what types of credit card payments their business will
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: card present, card-not-present, credit card, merchant, online, payments, terminal
The cost of accepting card payments is driven primarily by the interchange. When you settle your transactions each day; payment
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: card associations, card payments, debit networks, interchange, payment network, transactions
Accepting non-cash payments from your customers are valuable. If you don’t, you will miss out on sales; because of the
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit Card Reader Terminal, e-commerce & m-commerce, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Mail Order Telephone Order, Near Field Communication, Payment Card Industry PCI Security, Point of Sale Tagged with: card reader, chip cards, credit card, debit, e-commerce, EMV, gift Card, mobile, moto, nfc, online, payment solution, payments, PCI, point of sale, smartphone, terminals, transactions