VISA CHARGEBACK RULES - Payment Processing News



Chargebacks is a major problem for merchants, rules and regulations surrounding chargebacks can be confusing; becoming educated about these policies, which also includes the release of a new and upcoming regulations will help merchants to empower themselves.

Visa will make major changes to its chargeback rules document in January of 2016.

Traditionally, Visa has had two different excessive-chargeback programs for merchants:

1. For Domestic U.S. transactions – known as the U.S. Merchant Chargeback Monitoring Program.

2. For international transactions – called the Global Merchant Chargeback Monitoring Program.

Each program had a different threshold and monitored transactions in different geographic regions (each with unique risk profiles), it has been possible for a merchant to qualify for one program but not the other.



December 21st, 2015 by