Evolution of Electronic Payments - Payment Processing News

Evolution of Electronic Payments

Evolution of Electronic Payments

1979 was a turning point in the credit card processing industry. Point of sale terminals emerged that year when Visa introduced a bulky electronic data capturing terminal which was the first payment credit card terminal.

In the same year, magnetic information stripe was added to the credit card which allowed card information to be captured electronically. Now Mag stripe was replaced by EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) .

In 1994, the first version of the EMV was released and it became stable in 1998.

The United States started using the EMV Technology in 2014.

The future of payment will see Mobile payments, Electronic payments and Contactless payments like NFC (Near Field Communication) and smart cards, and is now taking over the traditional payment. Electronic Payment Technology will continue to evolve.

July 18th, 2017 by