EMV, NFC, PIN and Signature are not the same - Payment Processing News

EMV, NFC, PIN and Signature are not the same


EMV, NFC, PIN and Signature are not the same

EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) is a payment technology.

NFC (Near-Field Communication) is a technology that enables contactless EMV.

Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay uses NFC technology to process payments in a tap at any contactless payment terminal.

NFC payments made with a mobile phone in-store by tapping the phone to an NFC-capable terminal are considered card-present transactions. NFC in-app purchases are considered card-not-present transactions.

Not all EMV terminals has NFC technology. NFC Technology/EMV terminals can be considerably more expensive than standard EMV.

There are EMV terminals that NFC capable but not enabled.

Payment cards that comply with the EMV standard are often called Chip and PIN or Chip and Signature cards, depending on the authentication methods employed by the card issuer.

PIN Debit are transactions routed through (EFT) electronic funds transfer. It immediately deducts the transaction amount from the customer’s checking account, which is linked to the debit card used for payment. EFT processing takes place when the customer chooses debit when prompted and then enters her PIN. PIN debit transactions are often referred to as online transactions because they require an electronic authorization.

PIN Based Transactions have no chargebacks rights as they are considered cash not credit.

Signature-based debit transactions are authorized, cleared and settled through the same Visa or MasterCard networks used for processing credit card transactions. Signature debit processing is initiated when the customer selects credit when prompted by the POS terminal. Signature debit transactions are referred to as offline transactions because a PIN debit network does not play a role in processing.

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April 10th, 2017 by