National Transaction is a registered MSP and payments provider of US Bank Minneapolis MN. NTC is  a global Electronic Payments Provider for thousands of merchants in the USA and Canada and is among MasterCard’s leading partners for growing acceptance of EMV transactions.

The EMV liability shift is part of an overall industry transition in a face to face transaction at the point of sale to provide businesses with more security.

EMV (EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa) is a chip technology embedded microprocessor into credit and debit cards that integrates with payment terminals and provide strong transaction security features at the point of sale.

EMV is one of the security technologies the industry is bringing in, to combat fraud in a payment transaction, including tokenization and encryption.

NTC is committed to educating customers about the need to accept chip payments as well as deploying other security measures to protect against fraud.

NTC currently offers EMV technology through a variety of payments solutions.



February 10th, 2016 by