
Close more sales and overcome some of the common strategic mistakes sales people make with the following strategies.

Become a partner – people don’t buy from companies, people buy from people. Building a relationship with a potential partner by getting to know them personally and know their professional needs is very important in sales. Your potential partner must value you before he or she can trust you with their business.

Be the expert – Show your knowledge and expertise about your industry. Offer a valuable service and be the expert in your field.

Communicate – in building trust with a partner, establishing and maintaining effective communications is essential. Follow up in a timely manner, be available, return calls promptly with the information requested. Keeping communications open is the best way to keep a partner.

Eliminate the difficulty of switching – it is vital to let your partner know the ease of transition and benefits to moving to your solution. No matter how great the product or service is, when a business considered making a change there still apprehension.

Focus on value – build value. Most are willing to pay fairly for a good service.

Make it simple – make your product, service or offer simple. Explain your offer in a way they can not only understand but convey to others.

Hard work and dedication are important in sales, but you will close more deals if you have a good sales strategy.



June 1st, 2016 by