Improve your password and have a safer tomorrow


Users need to take personal responsibility for their passwords, people tend to stick with simple, easy to remember passwords, but these are the passwords that are easy to hack.

There are many ways that a hacker can get into your online account.

Force attack is one way to gain access to information, and is generally done when a hacker writes a special code to log into a site using specific usernames and passwords.

Hacker instructs the code to try thousands of different username and password combinations on the target site, such as your bank.

Hacker usually focuses on websites that are not known for security and if you are like most people, the same password and username you use on your favorite site is the same you use at your bank is not a good idea.

What makes this easier? Your computer stores cookies, which have information on your login credentials, in a neat, orderly unencrypted folder on the cache of your web browser. As soon as this is accessed, it can be used to get into online accounts.

How to Improve Your Passwords

Consider using a password manager to keep track of all of your account credentials. This way, you won’t have to worry about remembering all of the symbols and letters.

Have a different username and password combination for every account.

Substitute numbers for letters, such as @ for O.

Test your password strength with an online tester, but make sure it is from a reputable source.

Throw in a random capital letter.

Don’t learn a hard lesson when it comes to your passwords, update your log in credentials and have a safer tomorrow.

October 27th, 2015 by