Love Fest at C.B. Smith park
LOVE FEST PICNIC 2013 which was held Saturday of November 23rd, 2013 at CB Smith Park, Pembroke Pines-Pavilion #19, is a SUCCESS. The picnic crams more than 4,000 needy families with over hundreds of volunteers from 10AM until 3:00PM. A day long festival of games, shows, arts and crafts, barbecuing and donations. Mark Fravel, National Transaction Corporation’s President, is one of the sponsors of this annual festival. Prestige Club is a non profit organization, established in 1996. Its purpose is to encompass a networking group of business leaders and help promote their services and skills to the community, while at the same time organizing various fund raising, charity, and educational events towards the advancement of less fortunate people of Broward County and National Transaction Corporation has been a key participant for 10 years now. Prestige Club is a resource of members who share an uncompromising

Prestige Club’s Love Fest Event
passion to raise revenue to assist children and young adults who have suffered or are in need of assistance and National Transaction Corporation are in the same mission to offer love, compassion, support, and assistance to families and children in need. More Love Fest to come, bigger and better every year. NTC and Prestige Club welcomes visitors and friends to attend next year’s event. We will start the year with Prestige Annual Renaissance Ball come January 18th, 2014. For further inquiries please go to this website www.prestigeclub.org

Prestige Club’s Love Fest Event

Love Fest at C.B. Smith park