MasterCard’s latest Card Personalization Validation module in the Collis EMV Personalization Validation Tool qualified by MasterCard, including the U.S. Common Debit AID. The tool will be used to support EMV card issuers in the U.S., and specifically checks if MasterCard cards are correctly personalized according to the latest MasterCard specifications. It also includes specific personalization profiles to certify compliance with the Durbin Legislation. The Collis EMV Personalization Validation Tool is the most thorough and comprehensive test tool for issuers, card personalization bureaus and card manufacturers that w­­­­­ant to validate the personalization of their contact/contactless payment cards and mobile payment applications. With the tool, issuers easily check the correctness of the personalization of any EMV card application according to the latest test specifications of the seven major worldwide payment schemes. He added that the Collis EMV Personalization Validation Tool fits also seamlessly to prepare for the MasterCard CPV Formal Approve Service that UL can deliver.

August 8th, 2014 by