
Top terms in your Merchant Statement:

Interchange – are the variable fees charged by the card payment networks for processing transaction. Credit card brands set these non-negotiable rates based on card type, business size, and industry.

Ancillary Fees – this include statement, batch and customer service fees, monthly minimums and more.

Authorizations – this section shows the charges per authorization that come from an interchange plus provider and is then split by card brand and transaction type. On your statement, you will see these charges as either AUTH or WAT charges.

Deposit Summary – following the summary is the deposit summary, where lists of your account activity broken down by day and card type.

Discount Rate – every transaction percentage that is deducted as a fee. Rates are categorized as qualified, mid-qualified and non-qualified.

Processing Services –  this states your discount rate charges that you receive from your interchanges plus processor. This is divided by card brand and sales volume.

Summary – summary shows the processed sales by AMEX, Discover, JCB, MasterCard or Visa, as well as the total fees paid in order to process these sales. You can find this at the top of your statement.

Other items included in the summary:

Account adjustments, chargebacks, the breakdown of sales by card brand and number of refunds.

Understanding these terms on your statement will give you the confidence to read your merchant account statement with ease.


May 24th, 2016 by