Recurring Payments through ConvergePay

Recurring Payments through VirtualMerchant


Providing recurring payments is an easy way to increase retention, grow loyalty, and improve customer satisfaction.

Recurring Payments are automatic credit card payments where a customer authorizes a merchant to collect the total charges from a customer’s credit card or bank account at customizable intervals. It is a useful feature for multiple applications: Donations, Memberships, subscriptions and utility payments to name a few.

Handle your recurring and installment payments with our secure tokenization solution.

To set up a recurring payment, the merchant simply enters the specified charge, chooses the frequency of payment (weekly, monthly, annually) and the customer’s card is billed on a recurring basis.

Automated recurring billing is an efficient, secure, convenient and hassle-free service that can help merchants build and manage their business growth.

To set up recurring payment through ConvergePay Virtual Terminal call now 888-996-2273


April 24th, 2017 by