January 17th, 2023 by Admin
Mobile payment processing is getting heated competition as priority in the electronic payment industry begins to shift. Retailers and restaurants are switching to cheaper solutions like smartphones and tablets linked to a mobile point of sale system or MPOS. These MPOS applications have devices that connect to a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth wireless interfaces or through a standard headphone jack on the device. Read more of this article »
Posted in Mobile Payments Tagged with: bluetooth, Chip and PIN, EMV, gift Card, Mobile Payments, MPOS, nfc, PayPal, QR Code Payments, retailers, smartphone, Square, tablet, Tap to Pay
October 20th, 2015 by Elma Jane
We’ve covered a lot about EMV, but what about improving security for online and Card-Not-Present transactions? That’s where 3-D Secure comes in.
3-D Secure allows a card holder to authenticate himself while making an online payment.
In a traditional credit card transaction, a payment request is presented to the issuing bank for authorization. The Issuing bank authorizes the transaction based solely on the funds available to the card holder.
With card present, the magnetic strip on the card can be read and a signature collected. This process has now been largely superseded by Chip and PIN which gives the card holder the opportunity to identify himself via a secret PIN code.
An E-commerce transaction is conducted online, without the possibility to access the card physically. Un-authorized usage and fraud are therefore more likely.
3-D Secure allows transactions to be conducted in safety online, greatly reducing the risk of fraud and chargebacks.
How 3-D Secure Works?
When a payment request arrives at the merchant or payment gateway, the Merchant Plug In (MPI) component is activated. The MPI talks to Visa or MasterCard to check if the card is enrolled for 3-D Secure. If the card is not enrolled, this means that either the bank that issued the card is not yet supporting 3-D Secure or it means that the card holder has not yet been registered for the service. If the card is enrolled, the MPI will redirect the card holder to the 3-D Secure authentication web page for the issuing bank; the card holder will then identify himself. The MPI will evaluate the reply from the bank and, if successful, allow the transaction to proceed for authorization. The transaction could still fail for lack of funds or other reasons but is more likely to be approved because of the authentication.
3-D Secure allows 3 domains to work together.
Domain 1: The card holder has the peace of mind that his card is not used without his authorization.
Domain 2: Merchants are protected from fraud and can provide the product and service without delay or extra costs.
Domain 3: Banks see that the transaction has been authenticated and are more likely to approve the transaction, to the convenience of the card holder.
Implementation of 3-D Secure:
Visa is called Verified by Visa.
MasterCard is called Secure Code.
Amex is called SafeKey.
JCB is called J/Secure.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, e-commerce & m-commerce, Internet Payment Gateway Tagged with: 3-D Secure, amex, card holder, card present, card-not-present, chargebacks, Chip and PIN, credit card, ecommerce, EMV, fraud, jcb, magnetic strip, MasterCard, merchant, online payment, payment gateway, pin code, visa
October 13th, 2015 by Elma Jane
It is difficult to believe that many businesses still do not accept credit or debit cards for payments, while most customers preferred using cards for the following reasons.
- Doesn’t want to carry cash.
- Security and Protection offered by card issuers.
- Desire to earn reward points.
Some of the many advantages for businesses that accept credit card payments include:
Easy and cost efficient – credit card processing has become a highly competitive industry. NTC offers the latest in EMV and NFC technologies that allows businesses to accept contactless payment like Apple and Android Pay. NTC integrates with most POS systems.
Essential for online sales – internet selling is growing. The Internet makes it possible for a small business in a remote location to offer its products to potential customers throughout the nation and even across the world, almost all of those transactions require a credit or debit card.
Increases revenue – people like the convenience and security of paying with a credit or debit card. In fact, 66 percent of point-of-sale transactions use credit, debit or gift cards.
Merchant services accelerate cash flow – credit card transactions process quickly, with proceeds generally available in a bank account within two days or less. That eliminates the time it normally takes checks to clear. It also reduces or eliminates billing and the time spent waiting to receive payment checks from customers.
Reduce transaction risks – Check fraud remains a major problem for U.S. businesses, 77% of businesses were victims of check fraud, only 34% experienced credit card fraud and 92% said they believe new EMV chip and pin, credit cards will significantly reduce fraud at the point of sale.
Setting up a merchant account for your business is as simple as contacting a merchant service provider. A merchant service provider process payments and make sure the money is appropriately withdrawn from a credit card account and placed into the business’s merchant account.
For more details about setting up an account give us a call now! at 888-996-2273.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: (POS) systems, Android Pay, Apple, Chip and PIN, contactless payment, credit card, debit cards, EMV, Gift Cards, merchant, merchant account, merchant service provider, merchant services, NFC technologies, payments, point of sale
July 23rd, 2015 by Elma Jane

The digital payments landscape is changing at a rapid pace. Consumers are finally adopting digital wallets, like Apple Pay and Android Pay.
The deadline for merchants to become EMV compliant, the global standard that covers the processing of credit and debit card payments using a card that contains a microprocessor chip, is quickly approaching.
Today’s consumers show an increasing desire to use new payment methods because they’re convenient. However, this presents a challenge to merchants, as many have not made the switch to the modern technology required to accept these methods since they’re generally hard-wired to resist technology changes.
Merchants must evolve with technology or they’ll find themselves unable to compete and in danger of losing customers.
Looking long term, the benefits of adopting new payment technology will outweigh the cost of transitioning. The fact is that new payment technology will reduce fraud risk due to counterfeit cards, provide greater insight into shoppers with sophisticated data and will ultimately lower costs for merchants over time.
The value merchants will get out of new payment methods:
Investing in new payment technology will help reduce the risk of fraud. EMV, as an example. Beginning in October 2015, merchants and the financial institutions that have made investments in EMV will be protected from financial fraud liability for card-present fraud losses for both counterfeit, lost, stolen and non-receipt fraud.
EMV is already a standard in Europe, where fraud is on the decline. In turn, American credit card issuers are being pressured to replace easily hacked magnetic strips on cards with more secure “chip-and-PIN” technology. Europe has been using Chip, and Chip & Pin for years.
There’s nothing that can guarantee 100 percent security, but when EMV is coupled with other payment innovations, like tokenization that separate the customer’s identity from the payment, much of the cost and risk of identity theft is eliminated. If hackers get access to the token, all they get is information from one transaction. They don’t have access to credit card numbers or banking accounts, so the damage that can be done is minimal.
As card fraud rises, there’s a strong case to upgrade to a payment system that works with a smartphone or tablet and accepts both EMV chip cards and tokens.
Insight into Customer Behavior
In addition to added security, upgrading to new payment technology opens up a door to greater customer insights, improved consumer engagement and enables merchants to grow revenue by providing customers with receipts, rewards, points and coupons. By collecting marketing data at the point of sale a business can save on that data that they only dreamed of buying.
Investment Outweighs the Cost
New technology does have upfront costs, but merchants need to think about it as an investment that will grow top-line revenue. Beware of providers offering free hardware. Business can benefit by doing some research on the actual cost of the hardware.
By increasing security, merchants are further enabling mobile and emerging technologies, which will make shopping easier.
Customers will also be more confident in using their cards.
As an added bonus to merchants, most EMV-enabled POS equipment will include contactless technology, allowing merchants to accept contactless and mobile payments. This will result in a quicker check-out experience so merchants can handle more transactions.
Faster customer checkout.
The best system for is the one that makes the merchant as efficient and profitable as possible, as well as improves the customer checkout experience.
Retail climate is competitive, merchants have two choices:
Do nothing or embrace the fact that payments are changing. Transitions from old systems to new ones require work and risk, but merchants who use modern technology are investing in the future and will certainly outperform those who choose to do nothing.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Mobile Payments, Near Field Communication, Point of Sale Tagged with: American credit card, card, card present, chip, Chip and PIN, contactless technology, credit, data, debit card, digital payments, Digital wallets, EMV, EMV compliant, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, merchants, Mobile Payments, payment innovations, payment methods, payment technology, payments, point of sale, POS, provider's, smartphone, tablet, token, tokenization, transaction
October 23rd, 2014 by Elma Jane
The U.S. government will replace roughly 9 million government-issued payment cards with EMV chip-and-PIN versions early next year in a push to increase awareness and use of the more secure cards. Between 5 and 6 million prepaid debit cards used for issuing government payments, including Social Security and veterans benefits, will be reissued in January 2015. Another 3 million cards issued to federal government employees will also be replaced with EMV versions through the General Services Administration’s SmartPay program.
All the cards will be set up for Chip and PIN security as a U.S. government standard under the upgrade program, rather than the Chip and Signature approach required by Visa and MasterCard for most U.S. retailers starting late next year. However, there was no indication that the new cards will actually have the less secure magnetic data stripe removed.
Finding the right answers with the latest technologies to stop these cyber thieves and taking proactive and positive steps by adopting PIN and chip technology for government-issued debit and credit cards shows the importance of protecting financial transactions. While EMV is important, it’s not a total solution to the issue of data security.
POS devices at all federal agencies that accept retail payments will also be converted to accept EMV cards on a schedule set by the U.S. Treasury Dept. No timetable was given for the federal POS conversion.
The rollouts at four of the six largest U.S. retail chains will give a boost to EMV, which despite an October 2015 deadline has seen slow uptake among retailers. Under a mandate by Visa and MasterCard, retailers who experience credit or debit card fraud after next October but haven’t upgraded their POS equipment to accept EMV cards will be liable for the loss. If the bank that issued the card hasn’t upgraded it to EMV, the bank will take the loss.
But despite that October deadline, fewer than half of retailers’ POS terminals are expected to be able to accept EMV cards by the end of 2015, and barely half of U.S. payment cards will have been upgraded by then, according to the Payments Security Task Force, a banking industry group tracking EMV uptake.
The 9 million federally issued cards are a tiny fraction of the 1 billion credit and debit cards in use in the U.S., so the overall impact of accelerated EMV conversion is likely to be small. However, the Buy Secure initiative also explicitly includes a consumer-education component. Visa said it will spend $20 million in a public service campaign, and American Express said it will launch a $10 million program to help small merchants upgrade their POS terminals.
Small merchants are less likely to know about EMV than large retail chains, which have been making implementation plans for years.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit Card Security, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Payment Card Industry PCI Security Tagged with: American Express, bank, Chip and PIN, chip and signature, credit cards, data security, debit card fraud, debit cards, EMV, emv cards, EMV conversion, financial transactions, magnetic data stripe, MasterCard, Merchant's, payment cards, Payments Security, POS conversion, POS devices, POS equipment, POS terminals, retail payments, visa
September 23rd, 2014 by Elma Jane
Home Depot, US retail chain says that 56 million payment cards are at risk following a malware-laden cyber-attack on eftpos tills across its stores in the US and Canada.
The investigation into a possible breach began on September 2nd,Tuesday morning, immediately after Home Depot received reports from its banking partners and law enforcement that criminals may have breached its systems.
According to Home Depot’s security partners, the malware had not been seen previously in other attacks.
Criminals used unique, custom-built malware to evade detection. The cyber-attack is estimated to have put payment card information at risk for approximately 56 million unique payment cards, after lurking in the company’s eftpos tills for four months between April and September.
While the breach has been seen as a further proof-point in the US push to adopt Chip and PIN at the point-of-sale, the fact that the outbreak also hit the home improvement chain’s Canadian stores, where the EMV standard has been implemented, leaves pause for thought. Nonetheless, the retailer has committed to installing 85,000 PIN pads at its US outlets, well ahead of the national 2015 deadline.
Home Depot has set aside $65 million to cover the cost to investigate the data breach, provide credit monitoring services to its customers, increase call center staffing, and pay legal and professional services. Approximately $27 million of the projected outlay will be covered by the company’s insurance.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Point of Sale Tagged with: banking partners, Breach, call center, card information, cards, Chip and PIN, credit monitoring, credit monitoring services, customers, cyber-attack, data breach, EMV, EMV standard, Malware, payment, payment card information, payment cards, PIN pads, point of sale, risk
September 11th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Every year Americans take more than 59 million trips abroad. Yet many of us don’t know which questions to ask regarding the use of credit cards. Before you hit the road, let your card issuer know where and when you’ll be traveling, so it doesn’t mistake those overseas charges with fraudulent activity. Start asking some questions below:
Does my card charge a foreign transaction fee? Because these fees can run as high as 3% and can be quite costly.
Does my card have an EMV chip? A smart chip widely used in Europe and other places. Contact your credit card provider and see if they can provide you at no cost a chip-and-PIN card if you don’t already have one. Most of the card companies are moving this way, but typically you have to request it.
Does my card offer any travel perks? You may want to inquire about additional coverage your card may provide you when you’re abroad such as insurance for accidents, lost luggage or auto collision.
How can I get cash overseas? Reach out to the bank or credit card provider and find out what relationships they have in the local market you’re traveling to. This will be helpful for avoiding ATM fees. Additionally, if you need to access cash from your credit card, they’ll be very helpful if you do it through a banking institution that has a relationship with your provider.
Will my card be accepted at my destination? Thirty to sixty days before traveling contact your bank or credit card provider and ask some important questions. Find out if their card is going to be accepted or if there will be any restrictions for it to be used abroad.
The best thing to do is to have a plan before you travel. Know how to minimize your fees and protect your credit cards. Then you can enjoy your adventure.
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged with: atm, ATM fees, bank, banking, banking institution, card, card issuer, chip, Chip and PIN, chip-and-PIN card, credit card provider, credit cards, EMV, EMV chip, fee, fees, foreign transaction fee, institution, PIN, provider, transaction, transaction fee, travel
June 9th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Some American banks and financial institutions, like JPMorgan Chase, American Express and Citi, have already issued credit cards with new security technology. Other banks will do so by the end of the year. Often referred to as E.M.V. (short for Europay, MasterCard and Visa) or chip-and-PIN, these new cards use a combination of an embedded microchip and a personal numeric code to authorize payment transactions. Depending on the card issuer, some cards may have the chip but require just the old-fashioned signature instead of a PIN.
Most traditional credit cards in the United States today use a magnetic strip and a customer signature to seal a deal. The information embedded in the stripe can be easily cloned, however, and signatures can be forged. The chips in the newer E.M.V. cards which encode account information when transferring it to the merchant are harder to duplicate. The PIN must be entered for each charge, which helps make the cards more secure for in-person purchases. The cards are not infallible, though, criminals have still found ways to steal PINs and make fraudulent online purchases.
With new types of credit cards come new payment terminals, and many retailers must upgrade their equipment to make it compatible with E.M.V. cards. Instead of a slot to swipe the strip, the new credit card terminals typically need a chip reader. Most merchants will probably have the new equipment in place by October 2015, when new rules about fraud liability kick in. Under these rules, the bank or the merchant could be held accountable for any fraudulent charges if one of them has not upgraded to the new system. The party with the weaker security measures must pay.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit card Processing, Credit Card Reader Terminal, Credit Card Security, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: account information, American banks, American Express, card issuer, cards, chip, Chip and PIN, chip reader, Citi, credit card terminals, credit cards, E.M.V., embedded microchip, EuroPay, financial institutions, fraud liability, JPMorgan Chase, magnetic strip, MasterCard, merchant, numeric code, payment terminals, payment transactions, PIN, Security, visa
May 6th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Mobile commerce platform provider ROAM, an Ingenico company has expanded its mPOS solutions to include chip-and-PIN acceptance with the RP750x mobile card reader. The reader allows mPOS players to get to market quickly with their own custom-branded solution, providing merchants with a powerful set of features that include device and fraud management, remote application configuration, and an mPOS application that can be localized for any language and currency in any country. Features include: Backlit display, EMV PIN pad, magnetic stripe reader, NFC reader and smart card reader. Configurable through the cloud, enabling direct shipment from factory to any country. Connects with smartphones, tablets and feature phones via Bluetooth or audio jack. Customizable for branding and form factor. Just Slightly larger than a credit card, a compact form factor. PCI PTS 3.1 with SRED, EMV Level 1 and 2, Visa-ready (Compliant with the latest industry standards).
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit Card Reader Terminal, e-commerce & m-commerce, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Financial Services, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Payment Card Industry PCI Security, Point of Sale, Smartphone, smartSD Cards, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: bluetooth, Chip and PIN, cloud, compliant, credit-card, currency, EMV, fraud, magnetic stripe reader, Merchant's, mobile card reader, Mobile commerce platform, mPOS solutions, nfc, PIN pad, smart card reader, Smartphones, tablets, visa
December 2nd, 2013 by Elma Jane
Post Office launches new payments service to help small businesses make more money.
The Post Office in partnership with WorldPay, has launched a new card payment service to help sole traders and small businesses. The Post office which services around four million small businesses, will offer them a range of ways to take secure card payments made in-store, online, via mail or telephone order, or on the move, which it hopes will plug a 20 per cent revenue gap between firms that accept card payments and those that don’t. According to new WorldPay research, 87 per cent of customers are likely to spend more money per transaction when paying with a debit or credit card, as opposed to cash.
The study also showed during the past year, one in five of UK consumers has had to abandon a purchase due to a small business or sole trader not accepting cards or because they weren’t carrying enough cash to pay. The service includes card machines for in-store payments or those made via mail or telephone order, and online payment pages for websites.
There is also a Pay As You Go option for sole traders and mobile businesses, like hairdressers or beauty therapists, who can sign up to take secure Chip and PIN card payments.
Posted in Credit card Processing, Electronic Payments, Mail Order Telephone Order Tagged with: card payments, Chip and PIN, credit-card, in-store, mail or telephone order, online, payment, purchase, secure, service, transaction, worldpay