June 18th, 2015 by Elma Jane

Every Merchant in the country needs to upgrade their terminal.
Are you ready for the October 1, 2015 Liability Shift?
Beginning October 1, 2015, all businesses that accept in-person payments must be able to take cards embedded with chips to avoid liability for fraud. The chips are more secure than magnetic stripes.
National Transaction brings the latest EMV and NFC technologies to Merchants.
NTC Clients will be able to accept contactless payment with the same NFC technology used by Apple Pay, Google Wallet and SoftCard. Additionally, the Ingenico terminals are EMV Enabled, delivering the latest in fraud prevention technology.
The new EMV enabled terminals are designed to accept EMV chip cards and magnetic stripe cards.
EMV (an acronym for Europay, MasterCard® and Visa®) is a global technology standard for payment cards.
By accepting chip cards EMV terminal, you help protect your business from card present fraud liability and prepare your business for the future of payment application technology. If your business accepts and processes a counterfeit card transaction on a non-EMV terminal, the liability for that fraudulent transaction is yours, not incurred by the card issuers.
How do you process an EMV chip card transaction?
- Insert Card. Instead of swiping, the customer will insert the card into the terminal, chip first, face up.
- Leave the Card in the Terminal. The card must remain in the terminal during the entire transaction.
- The Receipt or Enter a PIN. As prompted, the customer will sign the receipt or enter their PIN to complete the transaction.
- Remove Your Card. When the purchase is complete, remind the customer to take the card with them.
What are the benefits of having an EMV terminal?
These next generation terminals can reduce your risk of accepting counterfeit cards, as chip and PIN transactions verify both the card and the cardholder.
Eliminate your card present fraud liability exposure associated with the October 1st, 2015* liability shift imposed by the card brands.
Improve customer service for your international cardholder customer. EMV cards are already the standard in over 80 countries.
Be on the lookout for more information about how to be chip card ready before OCTOBER.
*Businesses with Automated Fuel Dispensers (also called “Pay at the Pump”) acceptance methods have until October 2017 to comply with the new standard.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit Card Reader Terminal, Credit Card Security, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Near Field Communication Tagged with: cardholder, cards, chips cards, contactless payment, EMV, emv chip cards, EMV terminal, EuroPay, magnetic stripe cards, MasterCard, merchant, nfc, payment cards, payments, visa