November 22nd, 2016 by Elma Jane

ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SERVICESBe with NTC and enjoy the full benefits of our Electronic Payment Services with high levels of service and security.

In addition, you can enjoy from e-commerce payment gateways to retail and restaurant solutions, business-to-business processing capabilities to electronic invoicing (NTC ePay).

NTC is offering a cost-effective credit card payment processing services that are very fast, secure and easy to integrate.


settlement-reportGet your Secure MerchantConnect Reporting Tool:

  • Review and reconcile all of your transactions settle or batch settle and also much more.
  • Create and save your custom reports that also can be imported or exported easily.
  • Use our solution to turn any computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet into a processing center.
  • Run & enjoy this on one or more devices to process credit card transactions with your merchant account.
  • Peripherals allow swiping transactions and printing out receipts.

Electronic Payment Services Our Merchant Cash Advance feature will help you very much to enjoy cash advance service. If your business accepts credit cards, getting cash for your business can be fast, simple and very easy.

Receive up to $150,000 per location in less than 10 business days—sometimes in as few as 72 hours.

National Transaction Merchant Cash Advance eliminates many hassles and delays common with bank loans.

Our Merchant Cash Advance builds on the strength of your business’ future credit and debit card sales, so a damaged personal credit history is not an immediate disqualifier.


Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Payment Card Industry
November 17th, 2016 by Elma Jane

Payment Card Industry

What is PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards)? A set of requirements, founded by Amex, Discover, JCB, MasterCard and Visa; to facilitate industry-wide adoption of consistent data security measures on a global basis. Best practices for enhancing payment account data security.

Why does my business need to be PCI Compliant? You help protect your business
by reducing the risk of a costly breach of your customers’ payment card data. Payment card brands (Amex, Discover, JCB, MasterCard and Visa) mandate that all businesses processing payment cards must be compliant.

Once my business validates PCI-DSS compliance, does that prevent a security breach from happening? No. It helps prevent security breaches and loss of cardholder data but do not provide a guarantee to your business. Also, similar to the regularly required updates to anti-virus and firewall software; data security is also continually subject to new threats.

What happens to my business if I am not PCI Compliant? If you do not comply with the security requirements contained within PCI-DSS as mandated by the payment card networks; you put your organization at risk of a payment card compromise.

In the event that your business is compromised, you may also be subject to additional fines, fees, and assessments by the card brands. You may also lose your credit card acceptance privileges.

What am I required to do to validate PCI compliance? The minimum requirement for PCI Level 4 business is to complete a PCI-DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) on an annual basis and achieve a passing status.

Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Payment Card Industry PCI Security Tagged with: , , , , , ,

U.S. Based Payment Processing Account
October 14th, 2016 by Elma Jane

Merchant Account is a LOAN! 

Merchant accounts are not depository accounts like checking and savings accounts; they are considered a line of credit. Therefore, when a customer pays with a credit card; a bank is extending credit to that customer and also making the payment on his/her behalf. As for processors or payment providers; they pay merchants before the banks collect from customers and are therefore extending credit to the merchant, that’s why Merchant account is considered as a LOAN.

Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Financial Services, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

September 19th, 2016 by Elma Jane

Terminal or credit card machines are used for processing debit and credit card transactions. Therefore, are often integrated into a Point of Sale System.

Electronic Authorizations – merchants had the choice of calling in for an authorization or imprinting their transactions, but many businesses opted voice authorization only on larger transactions because of the long waiting time for authorizing transaction over the phone.

Manual Imprinters – are considered a great backup processing method. Although time consuming and did not offer the speed or instant transfer capabilities, this imprinters are still widely used.

Point of Sale Terminals: POS emerged in 1979, which was a turning point in the credit card processing industry. As a result,

Visa introduced a bulky electronic data capturing terminal. The first of credit card machine or terminal as we know them today. It has greatly reduced the time required to process a credit card.

In the same year, MasterCharge became MasterCard and credit cards were replaced to include a magnetic information stripe which now has become EMV/chip and PIN.

The Future: There’s a lot of room for advancement when it comes to Credit card processing technology. Increasing processing speed, reliability and security are driving forces behind processing technology advancement.

Today’s credit card terminals are faster and more reliable with convenient new capabilities including contactless and Mobile NFC acceptance. The processing industry will definitely be adapting new technologies in the near future and has a lot to look forward to.



Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit Card Reader Terminal, Near Field Communication, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

September 15th, 2016 by Elma Jane


Storing credit card data for recurring billing are discouraged.

But many feels storing is necessary in order to facilitate recurring payments.

Using a third party vault provider to store credit card data for recurring billing is the best way.

It helps reduce or eliminate the need for electronically stored cardholder data while still maintaining current business processes.

For recurring billing a token can be use, by utilizing a vault. The risk is removed from your possession.

Modern payment gateways allow card tokenization.

Any business that storing data needs to review and follow PCI DSS requirement in order for the electronic storage of cardholder data to be PCI compliant.

On the primary account number, an appropriate encryption will be applied. In this situation, the numbers in the electronic file should be encrypted either at the column level, file level or disk level.


Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit Card Security Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

September 1st, 2016 by Elma Jane

A woman named Gabriela visited one of our merchant.

Gabriela stated that she’s from the company that processes REK Storage credit card transactions to upgrade their credit processing system.

She even claimed that the company she worked with was the parent company of National Transaction.

Gabriela presented some of the savings his company would receive in addition to a lower processing rates.

To start processing, they had to remove the old credit processing terminal because it was a company policy.

If you receive a phone call or visited by somebody claiming as NTC’s parent company give us a call 888-996-2273.




Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: , , , ,

August 9th, 2016 by Elma Jane

Businesses are discouraged from storing credit card data, but many feel the practice is necessary in order to facilitate recurring payments. Merchants that need to store credit card data are doing it for recurring billing.

Using a third party vault provider is the best way to store credit card data for recurring billing, it helps reduce or eliminate the need for electronically stored cardholder data while still maintaining current business processes. The risk of storing card data is removed from your possession and you are given back a token that can be used for the purpose of recurring billing, by utilizing a vault. Modern payment gateways allow card tokenization.

Any business that storing data via hard copy needs to review and follow PCI DSS requirement in order for the electronic storage of cardholder data to be PCI compliant.  Appropriate encryption must be applied to the PAN (primary account number). In this situation, the numbers in the electronic file should be encrypted either at the column level, file level or disk level.


Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Payment Card Industry PCI Security, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

August 2nd, 2016 by Elma Jane

Credit card machine or point of sale terminals are used for processing debit and credit card transactions and are often integrated into a Point of Sale System. Let’s take a look at the POS terminal evolution.

Manual Imprinters – although the process was time consuming and did not offer the speed or instant transfer capabilities, manual imprinters have been around since the start of a wide acceptance of credit cards. Manual imprinters are still widely used and are considered a great backup processing method.


Electronic Authorizations – Merchants had the choice of calling in for an authorization or imprinting their transactions. The first electronic credit card authorizations were done over the phone, but many businesses opted voice authorization only on larger transactions because of the long waiting time for authorizing a transaction over the phone,

Point of Sale Terminals: Point of sale terminals emerged in 1979, which was a turning point in the credit card processing industry. Visa introduced a bulky electronic data capturing terminal. This was the first of credit card machine or terminal as we know them today, it has greatly reduced the time required to process a credit card. MasterCharge became MasterCard in the same year and credit cards were replaced to include a magnetic information stripe which now has become EMV/chip and PIN.

The Future: There’s a lot of room for advancement when it comes to Credit card processing technology. Increasing processing speed, reliability and security are driving forces behind processing technology advancement. Today’s credit card terminals are faster and more reliable with convenient new capabilities including contactless and Mobile NFC acceptance. The processing industry will definitely be adapting new technologies in the near future and has a lot to look forward to.



Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit Card Reader Terminal, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Near Field Communication Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

July 13th, 2016 by Elma Jane

Monthly statement fee is a fixed fee that is charged monthly and is associated with the statement that is sent to a merchant in one billing cycle, approximately 30 days worth of credit card processing by the merchant account provider; whether it’s a printed one, a mailed statement or an electronic version. Requesting online statements won’t necessarily be able to waive statement fee.

Every credit card and merchant account provider have a different set of costs associated with its services, but remember that there are several processors out there that are very transparent with their fees like National Transaction.



Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: , , , , , ,

June 20th, 2016 by Elma Jane

Batch – is a collection of credit card transactions, usually a single day’s worth.

Batch Processing – refers to a one-time closing or settling the entire batch of transactions.

The point-of-sale terminal or credit card processing software can be set on:

Manual Batch close – merchant will need to batch out at the end of each day. The processor will receive a command to settle all transactions that have been entered. There will be a printed report showing the transaction totals in the batch once a batch is settled.
Changes can be made to existing transactions in the batch before a batch is settled. Example: If you want to change an amount of one of the transactions or you want to void a transaction.

Automatic Batch close – The terminal or software will automatically close the batch, (settle the transactions) at a certain time each day, no manual intervention is needed by the merchant or in some case the processor will settle the batch (called host batch close at the processor level). Automatic batch close set-up is advisable for most businesses unless a tip edit function is required, manual batch close would be the better option.

Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: , , , , ,