Areas Include:
MasterCard, American Express, Discover
A new report shows that American Express, MasterCard, Capital One, Discover and Western Union were focusing on electronic transaction processing. While American Express Company (American Express) recently announced a new executive vice president and a new chief financial officer. Read more of this article »
Posted in Mobile Payments Tagged with: Digital Wallet, e-commerce, electronic transaction, gift, loyalty, m-commerce, mcommerce, mobile point of sale, MPOS, point of sale, POS, rewards
February 25th, 2024 by Admin
With smartphone users on the rise Nielson says that in 2012 47% of smartphone owners use mobile shopping apps in the Shopping / Commerce category. Although these do not account for actual mobile payment transactions they show that smartphone users are frequently turning to their mobile devices to find deals and purchase information.
But what exactly is m-commerce? M-commerce is a hybrid technology that takes web technologies that scale screens to mobile devices like Apple iPads and Android tablets. The commerce end of it comes from shoppers and merchants actually executing payment transactions over mobile devices of some form. Read more of this article »
Posted in Credit Card Security Tagged with: credit card, Digital Wallet, e-commerce, gateway, m-commerce, merchant account, nfc, payment, shopping cart, smartphone, tablet
The Pew states more than half of adults in the United States now own a smartphone. The cost of not having a smartphone these days outweighs the cost of having a smart phone device. Social networking drove the rise and new smartphone and tablet apps are set to explode.
The Pew’s smartphone ownership report states that 56% of American adults now carry a smartphone according to this weeks report. Ranking the highest so far in smartphone saturation previous numbers were at 46% last year and 35% two years ago. A major milestone indeed. More than one third have a cell phone that isn’t a smartphone and 9% that don’t own a smart phone nor a cell phone. Read more of this article »
Posted in Smartphone Tagged with: Amazon, Digital Wallet, e-commerce, electronic, google, m-commerce, mobile commerce, mobile payment, smartphone
January 21st, 2023 by Admin
Data Breaches Cost Consumers Billions
Exposure of personal information is a new challenge in todays environment, the initial exposure being a nightmare to unravel. A Javelin Strategy and Research study shows that a single data security breach can cost Billions of dollars in consumer fraud losses. Data security breaches rose 48% from 2011 in 2012 to 1,611 data breaches. Identity theft is on the rise too.
Walmart CEO Mike Duke Expecting $10 Billion in e-commerce payments 2013.
Commenting at a shareholder meeting WalMart CEO Mike Duke expected WalMarts online e-commerce site to bring in $10 Billion in transactions this year.
India Sees Spike in e-commerce and Mobile Payment Investments.
India is seeing deeper saturation of broadband rollouts connecting personal computers and laptops online at a faster pace. Big names such as Intel are keen on India’s development for market opportunities. Amazon and ebay just staked claims to India’s e-commerce playing field with deals to deliver their e-commerce services. Read more of this article »
Posted in Electronic Payments Tagged with: Breach, Digital Wallet, e-commerce, electronic payments, Mobile Payments, nfc, tablet, Virtual Currency
January 3rd, 2023 by Admin
Yet another payment solution on the horizon is the MCE initiative for smartphones and tablets. The new solution is being led by 7-eleven, BestBuy, CVS Pharmacy, Darden Restaurants, Lowes, Publix, Sears, Shell Oil, Sunoco, Target, Dunkin’ Donuts, Bed Bath & Beyond and WalMart. According to their website, “Development of the mobile application is underway, with an initial focus on a flexible solution that will offer merchants a customizable platform with the features and functionality needed to best meet consumers’ needs.” The company intends to make their application available on all major smartphone platforms.
This latest solution is a mobile wallet that has serious potential to change the way consumers fulfill their mobile payments. The mobile app links a customers smartphone directly to their bank account allowing merchants to accept non-cash payment without involving credit card processing fees.
Though this is a significant shift from other mobile digital wallet schemes, the biggest difference might be in Loyalty Card programs used to entice existing customers to stop and shop. The creative potential for these types of programs go well beyond gift card processing and extend to e-mail and social networking. Customers could receive special offers based on the word of mouth, social sharing they do for the large retailers.
This mobile payment solution is initially just for the big boys though. They are catering to their own needs currently and there is no future consideration for small to medium size business in their digital wallet. With how fast things change in the mobile payment industry, this too could change and usher in new currencies for universal digital wallet payments.
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged with: Digital Wallet, Merchant Customer, mobile payment, mobile wallet, payments, smartphone, tablet
September 10th, 2020 by Admin
There are few moments like now where American consumers are collectively open to the idea of new payment methods – especially contactless ones such as mobile wallets. This is good news for businesses since mobile wallets offer a safer payment alternative to credit cards and drastically reduce customer wait times at checkout.
Mobile wallets (such as Apple Pay and PayPal) use authentication, monitoring and data encryption to secure and transmit personal information, and the level of security associated with them has payment card issuers backing their use. This is certainly helping drive consumer adoption, as does convenience.
In fact, global mobile wallet transaction value is estimated to reach nearly $14 trillion by 20201 – and that is a pre-COVID-19 estimate. New estimates are higher and point to further rapid adoption given the current need for touch-free payment options. According to a recently published Visa Back to Business report,* 70 percent of consumers surveyed in June 2020 have used a new shopping or payment method for the first time this year.
A rapid shift has begun and the numbers tell the storySo what is holding back business adoption of mobile wallets? Until recently, it just wasn’t a priority for many small- and medium-size businesses to enable it or educate their employees on its use. The lack of preferential demand didn’t make it a pressing topic. But that is changing. Consider this:
- According to Forbes,2 by 2026, digital natives will be 59 percent of the consumers in the U.S. market.
- Of this, 45 percent will be specifically Millennials and Gen Z, representing the largest purchasing power.
- As Gen Z move into becoming the largest generation cohort, their purchasing power will be $143 billion.
But it’s not just what lies ahead that SMBs should be focused on now.
According to Visa’s Back to Business report, shoppers are now putting COVID-19 safety measures at the top of their shopping lists and they will reward stores that do the same. In fact, if all other factors were equal (price, selection, location), nearly 63 percent of consumers surveyed would switch to a new store that installed contactless payment options, such as mobile wallets.3
What does this mean for you? Now is the time to connect with customers to make sure they are fully contactless capable and have the technology in place to accept many of the most popular mobile wallets.
1Payments Industry Intelligence, “The rise of digital and mobile wallet: Global usage statistics from 2018,” November 25, 2018.
2Forbes, January 2020
3Visa Back to Business report 2020
Posted in Digital Wallet Privacy, e-commerce & m-commerce, Electronic Payments, Internet Payment Gateway, Mobile Payments, Uncategorized Tagged with: business, digital payment, digital payments, Digital Wallet, Digital wallets, mobile, mobile commerce, Mobile Devices, mobile payment, Mobile Payments, mobile wallet, mobile wallets, payment, payments
November 2nd, 2015 by Elma Jane
Apple’s mobile payment and digital wallet service will become available for American Express Card Members in Canada and Australia this year, with Spain, Singapore and Hong Kong to follow suit next year.
Card Members in these markets will be able to seamlessly add their small business, eligible consumer and corporate American Express Cards and pay on the go with their iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch devices in stores where American Express and contactless payments are accepted. They will also be able to pay using their iPad or iPhone in participating merchant apps.
Card Members paying with Apple Pay will continue to take advantage of the protection and customer service that American Express is known for. They will also receive real-time notifications and details for their purchases, as well as enjoy seamless connection to the Amex Mobile app for better account monitoring, servicing and access to rewards and offers.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: Card Members, contactless payments, Digital Wallet, merchant, mobile payment
May 23rd, 2014 by Elma Jane
Before making a purchase, there are several devices that consumers may use to help them make a decision: Use a specific store’s mobile app on their smartphones. Visit the store’s website on a tablet or computer, or just pick up the phone and call customer service to ask a question. Whatever the case, omnichannel is an important buzzword for merchants.
Here are ways to ensure a seamless and secure retail experience to turn browsers into loyal buyers.
Ensure Channels Work Together
Even in historically single-channel retail sectors such as grocery, more than half of customers now use two or more channels before completing a purchase, shown in a recent study. Retailers must therefore offer both traditional and digital channels. However, before investing in the latest mobile-optimized website feature or app, retailers should learn how existing online and physical channels can together enhance the customer experience. What customers value most is not the number of channels offered, but how these channels support each other.
A merchant’s website might encourage visitors to take advantage of a special event in-store, while sales assistants on the floor can use Wi-Fi enabled tablets to access additional product information.
Help Customers Find What They Want
With Internet access ubiquitous, cost-conscious customers are just a click away from being able to compare prices and find special offers. Many take out their smartphone or tablet in stores to compare prices, a trend called Showrooming.
Online retailers can take advantage of this trend by encouraging shoppers to compare prices in-store using a mobile app. In-store retailers, on the other hand, could provide greater value through targeted offers, price match guarantees, expert advice, convenient delivery choices and personalized customer care.
Optimize The Checkout Experience
Businesses must be sure to have a quick, streamlined checkout process once they have converted an online browser into a customer or else they risk facing shopping cart abandonment. This can be done in a few steps:
1. Assess how the checkout experience can be customized for its customers. Keep the mandatory information required from new or first-time online or mobile shoppers to a minimum and shorten the process for returning customers by securely storing their payment details and other personal information.
2. Develop a dedicated mobile app or other innovative functions that can increase long-term satisfaction and loyalty.
3. Test different payment methods to find those that are most convenient for customers. These payment options may include paying with reward points, using a digital wallet or providing a digital offer or coupon at checkout. There is a balance to be found between having additional payment methods to meet customer expectations and choosing methods appropriate to a merchant’s business model.
4. Establish a one-click online checkout process. Chase for example, is currently developing a Chase Wallet and Quick Checkout solution. The Chase Wallet will allow customers to store and access their Chase cards and ultimately, any branded card for a quick checkout. It will also update Chase-branded cards when a customer replaces an existing card and use tokenization to securely process payments with select merchants.
Merchants also face the challenge of ensuring that the online and in-store checkout experience is secure, while at the same time eliminating as many false positives as possible. False positives are a hindrance to any business as they may reduce sales, increase chargebacks and frustrate customers. A quick-checkout solution may help reduce false positives because customer information is automatically populated rather than manually keyed into the checkout page.
Acquirers should also work with online retailers to provide a conditional approval code for a transaction. This code allows the fulfillment process to move forward while authentication is taking place. The additional time for a thorough authentication also helps reduce the number of false positives.
Use Data to Build Loyalty
Customers will likely return to a retailer if product marketing reflects their past purchases or interests. Therefore, taking advantage of data including a customer’s purchasing history, loyalty, behavior or social media interests may help retailers to better understand their customers as well as personalize their shopping experience.
According to a study released in March 2013, Chase Paymentech found that 32 percent of merchants use their payment data to help craft their multi-channel sales strategy and 42 percent use it to improve the online customer experience. In addition, further analysis of payment methods, chargeback rates, fraud rates and authorization rates may improve the customer shopping experience and drive overall profitability.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: approval code, authentication, branded card, chargebacks, Chase, Chase Wallet, checkout process, computer, customer service, data, digital channels, digital offer, Digital Wallet, In-store retailers, internet access, Merchant's, merchant’s website, mobile app, mobile-optimized website, omnichannel, online retailers, payment, payment data, phone, physical channels, Quick Checkout solution, reward points, shopping cart, Showrooming, single-channel retail, Smartphones, social media, tablet, tokenization, transaction, website, Wi-Fi
April 11th, 2014 by Elma Jane
A new standard that uses Host Card Emulation (HCE) was introduced by VISA to enable financial institutions to securely host Visa accounts in the cloud. Visa’s move to support HCE includes tools and services as well as the standard. It is available now and will include support for QR codes and in-app payments in the future.
With this new service and platform that Visa is developing, it will enable clients and partners to issue Visa accounts digitally in the cloud, on secure elements in smartphones, or linked to a digital wallet. The solution will also enable the issuance of payment tokens that will replace the 16-digit payment account number and can be limited for use with a specific device, merchant or payment channel.
Layers of security will deploy by Visa to protect payment accounts in the cloud, including at the Visa network, application and hardware levels. Device fingerprinting technology, one-time use data, payment tokens and real-time transaction analysis will make up a multi-layered defense against unauthorized account access for their services.
Visa has intensified its Visa PayWave contactless payment application and is introducing a new implementation guidelines, program approval process standard and requirements for their standards.
Visa is also developing a tool, its software development kit (SDK) to support clients who wish to develop their own cloud-based payment applications or want to enhance their existing mobile banking applications with Visa PayWave functionality.
HCE is introduced to make it easier for developers to create NFC applications like mobile payments, loyalty programs, transit passes, and other custom services. Visa’s move to enable NFC payments with Android devices is welcome news and will guide the way for the payments industry.
Clients and partners around the globe are continuously looking for cost efficient, flexible and secure ways to enable mobile payments. The Android HCE feature provides with a platform to evolve the Visa PayWave standard, support the development of secure, cloud-based mobile applications, while at the same time offer greater choice.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit card Processing, Credit Card Security, Electronic Payments, Financial Services, Merchant Services Account, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Smartphone Tagged with: accounts, android devices, approval, cloud, cloud-based mobile applications, contactless payment, device fingerprinting, Digital Wallet, digitally, financial institutions, HCE, host card emulation, in-app, mobile banking, nfc, payment account number, payment channel, payment tokens, payments, qr codes, real-time transaction, secure elements, securely, Smartphones, unauthorized, visa, visa network
February 18th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Payment Tokenization Standards
Tokenization is the process of replacing a traditional card account number with a unique payment token that is restricted in how it can be used with a specific device, merchant, transaction type or channel. When using tokenization, merchants and digital wallet operators do not need to store card account numbers; instead they are able to store payment tokens that can only be used for their designated purpose. The tokenization process happens in the background in a manner that is expected to be invisible to the consumer.
EMVCo – which is collectively owned by American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay and Visa – has announced that it is expanding its scope to lead the payments industry’s work to standardize payment tokenization. EMVCo says that the new specification will help provide the payments community with a consistent, secure and interoperable environment to make digital payments when using a mobile handset, tablet, personal computer or other smart device.
Key elements of EMVCo’s work include adding new data fields to provide richer industry information about the transaction, which will improve transaction efficiency and enhance the consumer and merchant payment experience by helping to prevent fraudulent card account use. EMVCo will also create a consistent approach to identify and verify the valid use of a token during payment processing including authorization, capture, clearing and settlement.
EMVCo’s announcement follows an earlier joint announcement from MasterCard, Visa and American Express that proposed an initial framework for industry collaboration to standardize payment tokenization. EMVCo says it will now build on this framework with collective input from all of its members and the industry as a whole.
Posted in Credit card Processing, Credit Card Reader Terminal, Credit Card Security, Digital Wallet Privacy, Electronic Payments, Financial Services, Payment Card Industry PCI Security, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: American Express, authorization, capture, card account numbers, clearing, data fields, device, digital payments, Digital Wallet, Discover, EMV, emvco, fraudulent card account, interoperable, jcb, MasterCard, merchant, mobile handset, payment, payment processing, payment token, secure, security standards, settlement, smart device, specification, standardize, tablet, token, tokenization, transaction, visa