December 18th, 2015 by Elma Jane

A leading provider of mobile point of sale and mobile payment technology, published today the EMV Migration Tracker.

Many merchants have deployed EMV capable terminals while cardholders have received cards with EMV chips, but not much data has been published about the real world use of EMV chip card technology in the U.S. Most published statistics rely on surveys or forecasts rather than real transactional data.

The EMV Migration Tracker shows new data and insights since the October 1 liability shift, including:

  • Over 50% of all cards in use now have EMV chips on them. From October to November, the percent grew 5% as banks and card issuers accelerated their rollout of new chip cards.
  • Over 83% of American Express cards have EMV chips, while Discover lags at 40%
  • Over 63% of the cards used in Hawaii have EMV chips, but Mississippi sees just 11% penetration of chip cards.

While EMV chip card technology has been implemented in Europe years ago, the rollout of EMV in the U.S is just beginning. The rollout came earlier this year with the October 1 liability shift in card present transaction, meaning that merchants who have not upgraded their POS system can become liable for counterfeit card fraud losses that occur at their stores. This is an early step in an ongoing process that the Payments Security Task Force predicts will lead to 98 percent of U.S. credit and debit cards containing EMV chips by the end of 2017.







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