August 29th, 2024 by Elma Jane
Running an e-commerce website, travel agency, retail store or any other business that requires payment processing can be overwhelming.
You’ve got to monitor your transactions, ensure security to your customers, and generate reports. That’s a lot of work. However, with NTC payment solutions, you can streamline the whole payment process and stay on top of your operations.
With the right service, it allows you to get paid faster, offer loyalty programs, and process payments on the go. Depending on your business, you want to pick the right solution that best suit your needs.
Let’s explore some of the options you can consider.
With the right software, you can gain control of your business from inventory and order management to refunds and returns. No matter how you have set up your point of sale system, having the right software can make a great difference.
You want a software that lets you add other functionality, such as loyalty cards, sales exchanges, layaways, discounts, etc. This allows you to experience seamless customer management, inventory management, and retail accounting.
With the advancement in technology, you can access your point of sale system right on your iOS or Android device. This technology can replace your bar code scanners and cash registers to improve your in-store payment processing. There are also card readers that you can connect to your phone to start processing payments.
National Transaction can provide hardware, software, and support for any point of sale and other merchant solutions that your business needs.
To speak with our Payment Consultant Call Now 888-996-2273
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: card readers, e-commerce, Loyalty Programs, merchant, payment processing, point of sale system, Security, technology, transactions, travel
August 25th, 2017 by Elma Jane
A travel merchant account helps you manage all your transactions. It also allows you to integrate into your booking software; plus, there are more features that you get to process payments in a secure environment.
Virtual Merchant Payment Terminal
This is a web-based system that allows you to view processed payments in real-time. You can access it using any web browser, and the transactions are conducted over a secure and encrypted connection.
Customers get receipts for their payments via email once the transaction is complete. You can also handle installments and recurring payments online. It also accepts different payment methods, including gift cards, electronic checks, and credit and debit cards.
Loyalty Programs
With a travel merchant account, you are able to reward your loyal travel customers. You can personalize your loyalty program for customers basing on their behavior. A loyalty program can offer free products or discounts on certain tour or travel packages.
Also, you can make gift cards part of your program. With these cards, you can simply load them with any dollar amount and present them to your customers. Plus, they’re re-loadable and offer a great way of advertising. These programs can go a long way in boosting your customer’s loyalty.
Trams & Sabre Integration
If you’re using Sabre Travel Network for agency services, you can easily integrate your account into Sabre to improve your travel options. This integration allows you to provide convenient payment methods for customers searching for cruise lines, hotel properties, car rental services, and airlines.
Also, for those using Trams for accounting and reporting, NTC travel merchant account lets you make a simple integration. In the long run, you are able to focus on growing your travel agency and offer quality services to your clients.
Mobile Processing
Accepts payments fast and on-the-go with mobile processing solutions that are PCI compliant. With this service, you only need to use a mobile device card reader to swipe cards.
Mobile payment processing allows you to use your own iOS or Android device with a free mobile app which you can integrate with your account to manage transactions.
Offering a convenient and smooth payment methods to your clients is one of the ways to grow your business. National Transaction Corporation merchant account, offers secured travel payment processing services e-Pay, to process your payments; with no delays and at a very competitive rates.
Also, you can accept payments from anywhere and get 100 percent funding. Faster deposits for bookings, which can occur as quick as the next business day.
To speak to our travel payment consultant, call now 888-996-2273
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: card reader, credit, debit cards, electronic checks, Gift Cards, Loyalty Programs, mobile, payment processing, payments, PCI, swipe, terminal, transactions, travel agency, Travel Merchant, virtual merchant
June 2nd, 2016 by Elma Jane
Having the right tools to provide great service is important, this will make and keep your customers happy. An updated point-of-sale (POS) can help you improve customer satisfaction.
EMV – merchants are still behind in EMV acceptance. It may cost you to update but, it will save you money in the event of a fraudulent charge. EMV is here to stay, it is best to update your POS equipment now.
Insights – inventory management feature enables sales people to see available inventory. Tracking the products that sell the best and identifying products in high demand helps the owner stock strategically to better assist customers.
Loyalty Programs – an excellent way to keep current customers coming back.
Mobile Payments – Giving your customers more options on how to make payments by accepting mobile payments. Merchant gains the ability to speed up transaction times for customers.
Speed – customers want to check out at the store as quickly as possible. An updated point-of-sale solution will process transaction faster. A fast and easy system contribute to a better customer experience.
Need to upgrade your point-of-sale give us a call at 888-996-2273. NTC is here to help you.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants Tagged with: customers, EMV, Loyalty Programs, merchants, Mobile Payments, payments, point of sale, POS, service, solution, transaction
February 25th, 2016 by Elma Jane
Merchants are constantly trying to find ways to improve their customer experience, like customer service and loyalty programs, but the one that is often overlooked is offering a variety of payment options.
Offering a variety of payment options can lead to your customer experience success. With more and more customers using alternative forms of payment and staying away from the traditional way which is cash and credit card.
Types of Payment Options:
E-Commerce – Online shopping is growing, your business should be adopting this trend. Merchants who do not currently offer an online store should consider taking their sales online. This will gain more exposure and will also enhance the overall customer experience.
Mobile Wallets – Consumers are becoming more comfortable doing transactions on their smartphone, by accommodating mobile wallets, your business can attract more customers and more sales for your business. Upgrading your point-of-sale (POS) to be a Near field communication (NFC)-enabled will allow you to accept any mobile wallet payment.
Offering a variety of payment options will help your business stay up to date. More payment options mean more customers. If you would like to expand your current payment processing options for your business, visit or talk to our Payments Expert today at 888-996-2273 Extension 1.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, e-commerce & m-commerce, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Point of Sale, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: consumers, credit card, customer, e-commerce, Loyalty Programs, merchants, mobile, mobile wallets, Near Field Communication, nfc, online, payment, payment processing, Payments Expert, point of sale, POS, smartphone, transactions
February 13th, 2014 by Elma Jane
How To Target Customers Based on Past Purchase Behavior
One of the best ways to predict how someone will behave in the future is to look at what they’ve done in the past. By tracking a consumer’s past purchasing behavior, marketers can design highly targeted ads based on the specific preferences and tastes of individual customers.
The question, of course, is how to gain access to data about a consumer’s spending history without violating privacy standards. For many marketers, the answer is to partner with a vendor that provides card-linked offers. A survey of 300 marketers found that three-quarters believe card-linking marketing programs will replace existing types of advertising in the years to come – a strong vote of confidence from the very industry vendors are trying to tap.
Here are tools that marketers can use to gather information about their customers’ past purchasing habits.
1. BlueKai: Find prospects based on previous buying habits.
BlueKai offers marketers a third-party marketplace, known as the Audience Data Marketplace, where they can collect data on consumers in their target demographics. One type of data that marketers can collect is past purchasing behavior. Marketers can search for consumers who are likely to buy their products based on their previous spending habits. For example, an electronics brand may search for data about consumers who’ve purchased laptops in the past year. Using this information, marketers are able to create more targeted campaigns that are delivered only to those shoppers in qualified demographics.
2. Cardlytics: Learn where else your customers shop.
Cardlytics provides advertisers with insight into the purchasing behavior of more than 30 million households. Marketers have the option to target only those buyers who have been active in their sector. Cardlytics tracks where a consumer shops, when they shop, where they live, and how much they spend. For example, a retailer might only collect information about consumers who have spent more than $1,000 at competing businesses in the tri-state area. Using the Cardlytics platform, advertisers can create targeted offers meant to improve loyalty or build stronger customer relationships. Cardlytics offers pay-for-performance pricing.
3. Cartera: Reward consumers for shopping at retail partners.
Businesses that are looking to improve the effectiveness of their rewards programs can use Cartera’s card-linked platform to gain additional insight into the spending patterns of their top customers. By connecting loyalty programs to their customer’s credit and debit cards, marketers can offer better rewards — including cash back and airline miles. Retailers also have the option to reward consumers for shopping at “complementary merchants.” A few of Cartera’s best-known clients include Best Buy and Charter Communication.
4. Catalina: Actively pinpoint the shopping behaviors of specific buyers.
Using Catalina’s BuyerVision tool, marketers are able to target their digital advertising – including display, video and mobile – based on past purchasing behaviors. Catalina analyzes the in – store purchasing behavior of consumers and matches that data to online behaviors using cookies. For example, a grocery store could send recipe ideas to consumers who have purchased a specific combination of items in the past week. The company says it has access to transactions at more than 30,000 stores, allowing its clients to define their target audiences send mobile ads to more than 70 million households.
5. Edo Interactive: Target consumers based on competitive spending patterns.
Brands, agencies, and even small businesses can use edo Interactive’s card-linked marketing platform to send targeted offers to consumers based on their competitive spending patterns. The company has partnered with more than 200 banks, giving clients access to information about 200 million consumers. As a result, marketers connect their advertising to in-store purchases and send consumers relevant offers that they’re likely to redeem. Taking it a step further, edo’s Geocommerce feature combines purchase data with location information. Edo operates on a pay-for-performance model, which means marketers only pay when the customers they’ve targeted make purchases at their businesses.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit card Processing, Electronic Payments Tagged with: access to transactions, competitive spending patterns, complementary merchants, consumer's spending, customer's credit and debit cards, customers purchase, in-store-purchases, Loyalty Programs, marketing platform, online behaviors, previous buying habits, purchasing behavior, purchasing behaviors, retailers, rewards, shoppers, store purchasing behavior, target demographics, targeted campaigns
February 10th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Is traditional POS on its way out? Not so fast. It is likely to be an enhancement rather than a replacement to traditional POS.
Trending topic when it comes to POS is all about the mobile kind because Mobile Point of Sale (POS) systems have rocked the retail world. When one searches the term POS, nearly every article that comes up is all about mobile. Many seem to believe it will change the retail industry.
There is definitely a need and a place for both.
Retailers everywhere have incorporated the Internet into their business model by creating multi-channel sales strategies, such as e-commerce, digital marketing, social media marketing, online product information, specifications, reviews and online customer service.
In addition to their online presence, these same retailers have started to bring the Internet in-house by integrating such services as customer centric promotions at point of sale, introducing loyalty programs and member registration, facilitating digital signage, offering e-receipts via email, and self check out centers; all at the traditional POS kiosk. In fact, 95% of all sales transactions are conducted via traditional POS terminals.
Why bother with mobile POS anyway?
While it’s true that traditional POS system won’t be going anywhere soon and with good reason, mobile POS systems have allowed retailers to make great strides when it comes to efficiency and customer service, as well as customer satisfaction.
Companies have made big changes in the way they handle customer transactions in-store, thus affording faster checkout, waiting line reduction, consultative selling and more.
List of mobile POS benefits goes on:
Email Receipts – Better for the environment, more convenient for customers and faster to process, a digital purchase receipts sent via email tells the customer that you care about the earth and about them.
Expanded Reach – With mobile POS, your sales are no longer confined within the four walls of your brick and mortar store. Sidewalk sales, seasonal mall kiosks, and special sponsorship events are just a few examples of all the places you can take your retail sales to, with a POS in hand.
Inventory and Price Search – When customers can be assisted with finding an item color, size or availability on the spot, rather than having to wait in line to do so, it makes them happier. The same can be said for pricing. POS in the hands of store reps can go a long way toward customer satisfaction.
Inventory Return Stations – There is always a certain volume of returns, but that volume increases for retailers particularly after the holidays. The implementation of mobile POS allows for retailers to set up additional return stations in order to avoid long lines and customer frustrations.
Mobile POS goes Mobile – Your investment in your company POS system doesn’t need to be one size fits all, regardless of store traffic volume in one location or another. Retailers may opt to have a blow out sale in one location, thus require additional checkout power for that location for a specific period of time. With mobile POS, devises and licensing can be utilized throughout different store locations on an as needed basis.
Optional Seasonal Subscription – The great thing about mobile POS is that you needn’t pay for a POS system year round if you’re not using it year around. Seasonal spikes in retail sales warrant the additional cost of extra POS licensing and hardware, but the rest of the year your budget shouldn’t need to encompass more than what is needed. Mobile lets you better manage your overall POS investment.
Storewide Promotion Opportunities – Mobile POS has allowed retailers to drive sales in various sections of the store by holding demonstrations or promotions in different departments to tout products or services. Customers can be marketed and sold to, on the spot.
The growing industry of mobile payments doesn’t stop at in-store mobile POS. Digital wallets like Google Wallet and Apple Passbook, mobile-to-mobile cell phone transfers, Near Field Communication (NFC) payments, mobile device credit card swipe and other emerging technologies are quickly changing our cash and credit card world.
What about traditional POS?
Mobile payment systems are indeed terrific. So, when should you consider going with traditional POS? The reality is, in addition to the aforementioned benefits of traditional checkout kiosk functions, there times when mobile POS simply will not suffice.
Mobile POS is great when a customer wants to choose and pay for one item while on the sales room floor, but what about when the customer has a multitude of items? Ringing up and bagging groceries, removing anti-theft mechanisms, neatly folding and bagging clothing items and managing the sales of numerous agents, stations or departments are just a few examples of situations that often require the traditional POS checkout station.
By combining traditional POS strategies with mobile POS flexibility, retailers can leverage the command of a complex, and multi-dimensional, marketing and retail sales management system.
Posted in Credit card Processing, e-commerce & m-commerce, Electronic Payments, Internet Payment Gateway, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Point of Sale, Smartphone Tagged with: apple passbook, checkout station, credit card swipe, customer satisfaction, e-commerce, e-receipts via email, faster process, Google Wallet, Loyalty Programs, mobile payment system, mobile point of sale, mobile pos, mobile-to-mobile cell phone transfers, MPOS, multi-channel sales strategies, Near Field Communication, nfc, online customer service, online presence, POS, retail industry, retail sales, retail sales management system, traditional POS kiosk
Cashless electronic payments are the latest rage. Estimates for smartphone payments using NFC chips is expected to explode, though many estimates are being adjusted. The technology seems to be expected but digital wallet offerings are lacking for sure. AT&T customers still cannot use the default Google Wallet app, and ISIS is in a forever Beta mode. Starbucks seems to have embraced NFC based electronic transactions as well as digital wallet providers Lemon, LevelUp and others. Sprint adopted Google Wallet early on, while Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile users have been waiting for ISIS to come out of beta in Texas and Utah test beds. The other half of the problem, adoption, is slow as merchants need to invest in new credit card terminals and readers that incorporate the NFC technology to be able to accept these digital payments. Read more of this article »
Posted in Electronic Payments Tagged with: AT&T, Cashless electronic payments, Debit Card transactions, Gift Cards, Google Wallet app, GPS, Lemon, LevelUp, Loyalty Programs, MicroChip Payments, nfc, NFC chips, Offerings, RFID, smartphone, T-Mobile