September 9th, 2020 by Admin
It started off as a favor, “Can I bring my puppy, Baxter to work today?” And in the days that followed, everyone kept asking, where is Baxter? So he started making an appearance at the office a few days a week. Now, I can’t leave home without him. He knows the morning routine and as soon as he hears the car keys, he is waiting at the door. When we get to the office, he makes a bee line into every office to see who is here. He greets you as if he has never seen you before, so excited and happy, it can’t help but put a smile on your face. I mean seriously, do you get greeted by anyone in your office with such positive energy? The difference in the office atmosphere when Baxter is here, is incredible. The moral is much higher, the motivation of the sales team has increased and the boss is much calmer. But beware when you enter, he we might look cute and sweet but he will surely greet you at the door with a loud excited vocal bark and crazy twitching tail. And be cautious of where you step as the office floor is now covered in toys and treats. We are not sure who has more fun, the employees playing catch on breaks, or Baxter chasing the balls or toy squirrels up and down the halls. When things are busy, he knows to lay low, but when it’s time for Lunch, you better watch out, he will be glued by your side. When tension in the office gets high, Baxter will zero in on you and demand your attention, as if he knows petting him, will soothe the mood and ease the tension. It is a win win for us all. He might not be a “Certified Therapy Pet”, but in our office, he most certainly deserves the title of “Therapy Pet”.
Posted in Daily Inspiration, Uncategorized Tagged with: business, motivation, therapy pet, work environment
October 10th, 2018 by Admin
Life has its ups and downs, and we all know of those times where you feel like giving up. These quotes will you motivated and ready for round two!
When you reminisce the past because it was “easier.”
1. Be loyal to your future, not to your past.

When people say you are not ready to start a business:
2. You are never too old to start an empire, or too old to chase a dream.

When you feel you are not moving in the right direction:
3. The difference between who you are and who want to be is what you do.

When the nay-sayers say you are spending too much time on your “little dream”:
4. I would much rather work 16hrs a day for myself, than 8 hours a day working for someone else.

When you need to get started:
5. If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.

When you are not sure how to stay motivated:
6. Create a vision that makes you wanna jump out of bed in the morning.

When you are too scared of trying:
7. You have no idea what you are capable of until you try.

When you need to remember why you are doing it:
8. The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your own terms.

When you are not sure if you are ready:
9. If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life.

When you are ready to make a change:
10. You’re only one decision away from a totally different life.

Posted in Daily Inspiration Tagged with: boss, bossbabe, business, customer, e-commerce, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, ideas, inspiration, inspire, motivation, quote, quote of the day, quotes, transaction