May 21st, 2014 by Elma Jane
Mobile credit card processing is way cheaper than traditional point-of-sale (POS) systems. Accepting credit cards using mobile devices is stressful, not to mention a hassle to set up and customers would never dare compromise security by saving or swiping their credit cards on a mobile device. Some of the many myths surrounding mobile payments, which allow merchants to process credit card payments using smartphones and tablets. Merchants process payments using a physical credit card reader attached to a mobile device or by scanning previously stored credit card information from a mobile app, as is the case with mobile wallets. Benefits include convenience, a streamlined POS system and access to a breadth of business opportunities based on collected consumer data. Nevertheless, mobile payments as a whole remains a hotly debated topic among retailers, customers and industry experts alike.
Although mobile payment adoption has been slow, consumers are steadily shifting their preferences as an increasing number of merchants implement mobile payment technologies (made easier and more accessible by major mobile payment players such as Square and PayPal). To stay competitive, it’s more important than ever for small businesses to stay current and understand where mobile payment technology is heading.
If you’re considering adopting mobile payments or are simply curious about the technology, here are mobile payment myths that you may have heard, but are completely untrue.
All rates are conveniently the same. Thanks to the marketing of big players like Square and PayPal – which are not actually credit card processors, but aggregators rates can vary widely and significantly. For instance, consider that the average debit rate is 1.35 percent. Square’s is 2.75 percent and PayPal Here’s is 2.7 percent, so customers will have to pay an additional 1.41 percent and 1.35 percent, respectively, using these two services. Some cards also get charged well over 4 percent, such as foreign rewards cards. These companies profit & mobile customers lose. Always read the fine print.
Credit card information is stored on my mobile device after a transaction. Good mobile developers do not store any critical information on the device. That information should only be transferred through an encrypted, secure handshake between the application and the processor. No information should be stored or left hanging around following the transaction.
I already have a POS system – the hassle isn’t worth it. Mobile payments offer more flexibility to reach the customer than ever before. No longer are sales people tied to a cash register and counters to finish the sale. That flexibility can mean the difference between revenue and a lost sale. Mobile payments also have the latest technology to track sales, log revenue, fight chargebacks, and analyze performance quickly and easily.
If we build it, they will come. Many wallet providers believe that if you simply build a new mobile payment method into the phones, consumers will adopt it as their new wallet. This includes proponents of NFC technology, QR codes, Bluetooth and other technologies, but given very few merchants have the POS systems to accept these new types of technologies, consumers have not adopted. Currently, only 6.6 percent of merchants can accept NFC, and even less for QR codes or BLE technology, hence the extremely slow adoption rate. Simply put, the new solutions are NOT convenient, and do not replace consumers’ existing wallets, not even close.
It raises the risk of fraud. Fraud’s always a concern. However, since data isn’t stored on the device for Square and others, the data is stored on their servers, the risk is lessened. For example, there’s no need for you to fear one of your employees walking out with your tablet and downloading all of your customers’ info from the tablet. There’s also no heightened fraud risk for data loss if a tablet or mobile device is ever sold.
Mobile processing apps are error-free. Data corruption glitches do happen on wireless mobile devices. A merchant using mobile credit card processing apps needs to be more diligent to review their mobile processing transactions. Mobile technology is fantastic when it works.
Mobile wallets are about to happen. They aren’t about to happen, especially in developed markets like the U.S. It took 60 years to put in the banking infrastructure we have today and it will take years for mobile wallets to achieve critical mass here.
Setup is difficult and complicated. Setting up usually just involves downloading the vendor’s app and following the necessary steps to get the hardware and software up and running. The beauty of modern payment solutions is that like most mobile apps, they are built to be user-friendly and intuitive so merchants would have little trouble setting them up. Most mobile payment providers offer customer support as well, so you can always give them a call in the unlikely event that you have trouble setting up the system.
The biggest business opportunity in the mobile payments space is in developed markets. While most investments and activity in the Mobile Point of Sale space take place today in developed markets (North America and Western Europe), the largest opportunity is actually in emerging markets where most merchants are informal and by definition can’t get a merchant account to accept card payments. Credit and debit card penetration is higher in developed markets, but informal merchants account for the majority of payments volume in emerging markets and all those transactions are conducted in cash today.
Wireless devices are unreliable. Reliability is very often brought up as I think many businesses are wary of fully wireless setups. I think this is partly justified, but very easily mitigated, for example with a separate Wi-Fi network solely for point of sale and payments. With the right device, network equipment, software and card processor, reliability shouldn’t be an issue.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Smartphone Tagged with: (POS) systems, aggregators rates, apps, BLE technology, bluetooth, card, card processor, card reader, cash, cash register, chargebacks, consumer data, credit, credit card payments, credit card processing, credit card processors, credit card reader, credit-card, customer support, data, data loss, debit card, debit rate, device, fraud, fraud risk, hardware, industry experts, merchant account, Merchant's, mobile, mobile app, mobile credit card processing, Mobile Devices, Mobile Payments, mobile point of sale, Mobile processing apps, mobile processing transactions, mobile technology, mobile wallets, network, network equipment, nfc, nfc technology, payment solutions, payment technology, PayPal, phones, point of sale, qr codes, retailers, rewards cards, Security, Smartphones, software, Square, tablet, tablets, vendor's app, wallet providers, Wi-Fi network, wireless mobile, wireless mobile devices
May 12th, 2014 by Elma Jane
New iPhone and VeriFone-made shell combination that can accept chip and PIN card payments. Apple’s revamp in its in-store mPOS system
In 2009, Apple introduced its EasyPay mPOS technology. It consists of an iPod Touch and a shell made by Infinite Peripherals that includes a card swiper and a barcode scanner.
As first reported by 9to5mac,the iPod is now being replaced by an iPhone while VeriFone is being brought in to provide a new shell which will cater for chip and PIN payments as the US finally gets ready for the switch to EMV. The shell also has a spot above the PIN pad that opens the way for NFC contactless payments, according to Forbes. Apple has long been expected to equip the iPhone with NFC but has so far ignored the technology.
Separately, mPOS giant Square has ditched its Wallet app, pulling it from the Google and Apple stores. The app has failed to take off since its launch in 2011, despite the support of Starbucks. It has been replaced by Square Orders, which lets users order and pay ahead at participating merchants and then pick up their goods when they are ready.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Point of Sale, Smartphone Tagged with: app, Apple stores, Apple's, barcode, barcode scanner, card, card swiper, chip, contactless payments, EasyPay, EMV, Forbes, google, in-store mPOS, Infinite Peripherals, Iphone, iPod, iPod Touch, Merchant's, MPOS, mPOS giant, mPOS system, mPOS technology, nfc, NFC contactless payments, PIN, PIN card, PIN card payments, PIN pad, Square, Starbucks, swiper, verifone, Wallet app
May 6th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Mobile commerce platform provider ROAM, an Ingenico company has expanded its mPOS solutions to include chip-and-PIN acceptance with the RP750x mobile card reader. The reader allows mPOS players to get to market quickly with their own custom-branded solution, providing merchants with a powerful set of features that include device and fraud management, remote application configuration, and an mPOS application that can be localized for any language and currency in any country. Features include: Backlit display, EMV PIN pad, magnetic stripe reader, NFC reader and smart card reader. Configurable through the cloud, enabling direct shipment from factory to any country. Connects with smartphones, tablets and feature phones via Bluetooth or audio jack. Customizable for branding and form factor. Just Slightly larger than a credit card, a compact form factor. PCI PTS 3.1 with SRED, EMV Level 1 and 2, Visa-ready (Compliant with the latest industry standards).
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit Card Reader Terminal, e-commerce & m-commerce, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Financial Services, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Payment Card Industry PCI Security, Point of Sale, Smartphone, smartSD Cards, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: bluetooth, Chip and PIN, cloud, compliant, credit-card, currency, EMV, fraud, magnetic stripe reader, Merchant's, mobile card reader, Mobile commerce platform, mPOS solutions, nfc, PIN pad, smart card reader, Smartphones, tablets, visa
April 11th, 2014 by Elma Jane
A new standard that uses Host Card Emulation (HCE) was introduced by VISA to enable financial institutions to securely host Visa accounts in the cloud. Visa’s move to support HCE includes tools and services as well as the standard. It is available now and will include support for QR codes and in-app payments in the future.
With this new service and platform that Visa is developing, it will enable clients and partners to issue Visa accounts digitally in the cloud, on secure elements in smartphones, or linked to a digital wallet. The solution will also enable the issuance of payment tokens that will replace the 16-digit payment account number and can be limited for use with a specific device, merchant or payment channel.
Layers of security will deploy by Visa to protect payment accounts in the cloud, including at the Visa network, application and hardware levels. Device fingerprinting technology, one-time use data, payment tokens and real-time transaction analysis will make up a multi-layered defense against unauthorized account access for their services.
Visa has intensified its Visa PayWave contactless payment application and is introducing a new implementation guidelines, program approval process standard and requirements for their standards.
Visa is also developing a tool, its software development kit (SDK) to support clients who wish to develop their own cloud-based payment applications or want to enhance their existing mobile banking applications with Visa PayWave functionality.
HCE is introduced to make it easier for developers to create NFC applications like mobile payments, loyalty programs, transit passes, and other custom services. Visa’s move to enable NFC payments with Android devices is welcome news and will guide the way for the payments industry.
Clients and partners around the globe are continuously looking for cost efficient, flexible and secure ways to enable mobile payments. The Android HCE feature provides with a platform to evolve the Visa PayWave standard, support the development of secure, cloud-based mobile applications, while at the same time offer greater choice.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit card Processing, Credit Card Security, Electronic Payments, Financial Services, Merchant Services Account, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Smartphone Tagged with: accounts, android devices, approval, cloud, cloud-based mobile applications, contactless payment, device fingerprinting, Digital Wallet, digitally, financial institutions, HCE, host card emulation, in-app, mobile banking, nfc, payment account number, payment channel, payment tokens, payments, qr codes, real-time transaction, secure elements, securely, Smartphones, unauthorized, visa, visa network
February 10th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Is traditional POS on its way out? Not so fast. It is likely to be an enhancement rather than a replacement to traditional POS.
Trending topic when it comes to POS is all about the mobile kind because Mobile Point of Sale (POS) systems have rocked the retail world. When one searches the term POS, nearly every article that comes up is all about mobile. Many seem to believe it will change the retail industry.
There is definitely a need and a place for both.
Retailers everywhere have incorporated the Internet into their business model by creating multi-channel sales strategies, such as e-commerce, digital marketing, social media marketing, online product information, specifications, reviews and online customer service.
In addition to their online presence, these same retailers have started to bring the Internet in-house by integrating such services as customer centric promotions at point of sale, introducing loyalty programs and member registration, facilitating digital signage, offering e-receipts via email, and self check out centers; all at the traditional POS kiosk. In fact, 95% of all sales transactions are conducted via traditional POS terminals.
Why bother with mobile POS anyway?
While it’s true that traditional POS system won’t be going anywhere soon and with good reason, mobile POS systems have allowed retailers to make great strides when it comes to efficiency and customer service, as well as customer satisfaction.
Companies have made big changes in the way they handle customer transactions in-store, thus affording faster checkout, waiting line reduction, consultative selling and more.
List of mobile POS benefits goes on:
Email Receipts – Better for the environment, more convenient for customers and faster to process, a digital purchase receipts sent via email tells the customer that you care about the earth and about them.
Expanded Reach – With mobile POS, your sales are no longer confined within the four walls of your brick and mortar store. Sidewalk sales, seasonal mall kiosks, and special sponsorship events are just a few examples of all the places you can take your retail sales to, with a POS in hand.
Inventory and Price Search – When customers can be assisted with finding an item color, size or availability on the spot, rather than having to wait in line to do so, it makes them happier. The same can be said for pricing. POS in the hands of store reps can go a long way toward customer satisfaction.
Inventory Return Stations – There is always a certain volume of returns, but that volume increases for retailers particularly after the holidays. The implementation of mobile POS allows for retailers to set up additional return stations in order to avoid long lines and customer frustrations.
Mobile POS goes Mobile – Your investment in your company POS system doesn’t need to be one size fits all, regardless of store traffic volume in one location or another. Retailers may opt to have a blow out sale in one location, thus require additional checkout power for that location for a specific period of time. With mobile POS, devises and licensing can be utilized throughout different store locations on an as needed basis.
Optional Seasonal Subscription – The great thing about mobile POS is that you needn’t pay for a POS system year round if you’re not using it year around. Seasonal spikes in retail sales warrant the additional cost of extra POS licensing and hardware, but the rest of the year your budget shouldn’t need to encompass more than what is needed. Mobile lets you better manage your overall POS investment.
Storewide Promotion Opportunities – Mobile POS has allowed retailers to drive sales in various sections of the store by holding demonstrations or promotions in different departments to tout products or services. Customers can be marketed and sold to, on the spot.
The growing industry of mobile payments doesn’t stop at in-store mobile POS. Digital wallets like Google Wallet and Apple Passbook, mobile-to-mobile cell phone transfers, Near Field Communication (NFC) payments, mobile device credit card swipe and other emerging technologies are quickly changing our cash and credit card world.
What about traditional POS?
Mobile payment systems are indeed terrific. So, when should you consider going with traditional POS? The reality is, in addition to the aforementioned benefits of traditional checkout kiosk functions, there times when mobile POS simply will not suffice.
Mobile POS is great when a customer wants to choose and pay for one item while on the sales room floor, but what about when the customer has a multitude of items? Ringing up and bagging groceries, removing anti-theft mechanisms, neatly folding and bagging clothing items and managing the sales of numerous agents, stations or departments are just a few examples of situations that often require the traditional POS checkout station.
By combining traditional POS strategies with mobile POS flexibility, retailers can leverage the command of a complex, and multi-dimensional, marketing and retail sales management system.
Posted in Credit card Processing, e-commerce & m-commerce, Electronic Payments, Internet Payment Gateway, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Point of Sale, Smartphone Tagged with: apple passbook, checkout station, credit card swipe, customer satisfaction, e-commerce, e-receipts via email, faster process, Google Wallet, Loyalty Programs, mobile payment system, mobile point of sale, mobile pos, mobile-to-mobile cell phone transfers, MPOS, multi-channel sales strategies, Near Field Communication, nfc, online customer service, online presence, POS, retail industry, retail sales, retail sales management system, traditional POS kiosk
January 13th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Most of the world has already migrated to EMV chip technology. EMV, as commentators have noted, affects not only hardware and software, but every card payment system, device and application. Looking ahead to the 2015 liability shift, stakeholders who have not made the switch should consider these benefits of EMV.
Rather than focusing on any potential expenses, however, stakeholders should instead consider the important elements they have to gain.
EMV is here.
Benefits of EMV:
Global interoperability – Since most of the world has migrated to EMV, U.S. banks can that transition gain the ability to have their cards used with full EMV security anywhere in the world. Further, merchants benefit from this global interoperability as it allows them to process transactions coming into the U.S. from foreign travelers in the same way as domestic transactions.
Higher security – The latest data indicates that 78 percent of all counterfeit card fraud originates in areas where EMV has not yet been widely implemented, and even the most ardent detractors of EMV admit that EMV is very secure.
All stakeholders, gain a higher level of security than was available through magnetic-stripe technology.
Roadmap to mobile – POS terminals that support contactless EMV will in turn enable mobile EMV on NFC at merchants, meaning merchants can take advantages of all manner of popular payment methods, as well as the latest loyalty, location-based and couponing capabilities of mobile.
Posted in Credit card Processing, Credit Card Security, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Point of Sale, Smartphone Tagged with: card, card fraud, card payment system, chip, contactless emv, counterfeit, couponing, EMV, interoperability, magnetic stripe, Merchant's, mobile, nfc, payment methods, POS terminals, secure, Security, technology, transactions, transition, travelers
January 3rd, 2014 by Elma Jane
Results of a new survey on overall mobile use by consumers has several ramifications for payments using mobile devices. The report, from global management consultancy Deloitte, found the number of consumers who said their device is NFC-equipped more than doubled from 2012 to 2013. More importantly perhaps, for a technology many observers have pronounced dead and buried, of those whose devices are equipped with NFC technology, more than one-third said they have made a contactless payment using their phone in the past month.
The report also found that the number of app downloads decreased 13 percent this year in the U.S. and even more in other countries. Per-app spending also decreased during the year, but the report’s authors still believe the outlook for apps is positive.
The good news is, we see a lot of potential remaining in the apps market space over the long term. We believe that the overall declines indicated in this year’s survey may be due to increasing sophistication among consumers. It is likely that they have already obtained the core apps they prefer for work and play, with those choices persisting over time as they upgrade and change their devices said Craig Wigginton, vice chairman and U.S. telecommunications sector leader for Deloitte.
Posted in Credit card Processing, Electronic Payments, Environmentally Green, Mobile Payments, Near Field Communication, Smartphone Tagged with: apps, contactless, devices, equipped, mobile, nfc, outlook, payments, Per-app, phone, report, technology, upgrade
December 30th, 2013 by Elma Jane

With New Debit Card, Google Admits Digital Isn’t Everything
The maker of all things digital is introducing a debit card for accessing Google Wallet accounts. Google is getting physical.
A debit card alone is not a platform, or at least not a new one. In this case, it’s the payments version of comfort food: an everyday, easy-to-use technology to drive greater adoption of the less familiar Wallet platform.
This isn’t a new concept for a digital wallet. PayPal itself has a debit card. The significance for Google is more in its apparent acknowledgment that its business needs to play in the physical world. Earlier this week, the company ramped up its Google Shopping Express service with a partnership with Costco, further expanding its presence in the buying and selling of physical goods. Its self-driving cars are another way the company is reaching beyond digital, though never losing sight of the digital-derived lesson that the real business opportunity is in platforms, not just products.
The MasterCard-branded card is swipe-able at stores, and it can be used to withdraw cash at ATMs, Google said. The company pitched its new plastic in a blog post today as a way to pay for things offline without waiting for the money in your Google Wallet to transfer to a bank account.
This should sound familiar to users of PayPal or any other digital wallet, where the lag time between receiving money and being able to spend it makes such services marginal in the brick-and-mortar world, where most consumer dollars get spent.
That it took Google this long to make such a card available shows just how hard it is for the company to re-imagine itself as expanding beyond digital. For years, Google has supported NFC tap-to-pay technology that lets users of the few phones with such chips use their handsets to pay by Wallet at the few merchants with point-of-sale systems that support NFC. With the release of a debit card, Google seems to be acknowledging that battle is lost for now. In a world Google is trying to remake in its digital-first image, plastic still prevails.
Posted in Digital Wallet Privacy, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Point of Sale, Smartphone Tagged with: brick and mortar, costco, debit card, digital, handsets, MasterCard, nfc, payments, PayPal, phones, plastic, platform, point of sale, Tap to Pay, wallet
November 7th, 2013 by Elma Jane
Android 4.4 introduces an additional method of card emulation that does not involve a secure element, called host-based card emulation. This allows any Android application to emulate a card and talk directly to the NFC reader. This document describes how host-based card emulation (HCE) works on Android and how you can develop an app that emulates an NFC card using this technique.
Many Android-powered devices that offer NFC functionality already support NFC card emulation. In most cases, the card is emulated by a separate chip in the device, called a secure element. Many SIM cards provided by wireless carriers also contain a secure element.
Card Emulation with a Secure Element
The secure element itself performs the communication with the NFC terminal, and no Android application is involved in the transaction at all. After the transaction is complete, an Android application can query the secure element directly for the transaction status and notify the user.
When NFC card emulation is provided using a secure element, the card to be emulated is provisioned into the secure element on the device through an Android application. Then, when the user holds the device over an NFC terminal, the NFC controller in the device routes all data from the reader directly to the secure element.
Host-based Card Emulation
The NFC standards offer support for many different protocols, and there are different types of cards that can be emulated. When an NFC card is emulated using host-based card emulation, the data is routed to the host CPU on which Android applications are running directly, instead of routing the NFC protocol frames to a secure element.
Android 4.4 supports several protocols that are common in the market today. Many existing contactless cards are already based on these protocols, such as contactless payment cards. These protocols are also supported by many NFC readers in the market today, including Android NFC devices functioning as readers themselves. This allows you to build and deploy an end-to-end NFC solution around HCE using only Android-powered devices.
Posted in Electronic Payments, Mobile Payments, Near Field Communication, Smartphone Tagged with: 4.4, Android, app, card, cards, communication, contactless, controller, cpu, data, emulation, HCE, host, nfc, notify, payments, protocols, query, reader, routes, secure element, sim, status, terminal
October 28th, 2013 by Elma Jane
With banks and shops starting to let customers pay by tapping their smart phones on terminals in stores, the future of plastic credit cards is looking shaky.
MasterCard, which has teamed with Coles and CommBank on these ventures, yesterday said Australians were rapidly embracing contactless payments using PayPass and rival Visa’s payWave. At Coles, six out of 10 MasterCard and Visa payments were contactless.
MasterCard head of market development and innovation for Australasia said three out of 10 MasterCard terminal payments were contactless and there were now more than 175,000 terminals nationwide that could accept them. More than 10 million MasterCards in Australia could make contactless payments.
An EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) standard meant all terminals were capable of handling different brands of contactless payments.
The first stage of the contactless payments or “tap and go” revolution began with Visa payWave and MasterCard PayPass in Australia and the first institution to make contactless payments available locally was the Commonwealth Bank in 2006.
The next stage is to use smartphones rather than just plastic cards for contactless payments. Customers still use their Visa and MasterCard accounts, but the transaction is effected using a Near Field Communication sticker placed on the back of the phone, or an embedded, secure NFC element inside modern Android smartphones.
In Europe, NFC-enabled watches, wristbands, key rings and fobs also were being used for contactless payments and there was no reason this couldn’t happen here.
Visa said it had made a “significant investment” in a mobile NFC ecosystem.
“Visa is working closely with partners like Samsung, Vodafone and Optus on a range of mobile payment solutions that use the secure element and prepaid SIM models.”
CommBank, which previously enabled contactless payments from an iPhone housed in a special case, last week said it would let customers pay directly from their Apple phone using an NFC sticker, and from newer Android phones with embedded secure NFC technology.
The new facility, to be rolled out in the current financial year, is part of a revamp of the bank’s smartphones apps.
Coles said contactless payments had increased in the past year by more than 70 per cent while CommBank’s volume of contactless payments had increased six fold in 12 months. Westpac said it was piloting an Android mobile contactless payment application and was also investigating smartwatch payments.
“We also believe that the next big trend after the rise of mobiles and NFC in Australia will be mobile checkouts, where shoppers purchase products and have them delivered within two or three clicks,” a spokeswoman said, and the moves were “as big a market shift as we’ve ever seen”.
Coles also announced a trial of its own contactless payments technology using NFC stickers. Funds would be drawn from Coles Rewards MasterCards. Some 5000 mobile phone tags would be issued in a trial.
ANZ said it was continuing its trial of a mobile wallet for Android phones begun last year, ahead of making the solution available to customers.
“Our NFC pilot with Samsung and Optus is tracking well and we’re also investigating other payment options such as QR codes,” an ANZ spokesman said.
“Given the fragmentation of the market, we will continue to monitor developments before finalising how we will bring a viable mobile wallet solution for our customers to market.”
St George Bank chief information officer said his bank planned to have a contactless phone payments solution in the market “sometime in 2014”.
The bank has previously been reported to be looking at payments via the Pebble and Samsung smart watches.
National Australia Bank, which unveiled its peer-to-peer payments app, NAB Flik, last month, said it was watching how the contactless payments market developed with “less focus on being first to market and more focus on being best in market.”
The Australian reported last month that Apple and PayPal were exploring an alternative to NFC-enabled contactless payments called iBeacons. When you pass close to a store in a shopping centre, a beacon will detect your phone’s presence and automatically alert you to signature items for sale and specials, or offer other information to lure you inside, and process payments.
CommBank last week told The Australian it was looking at iBeacons technology.
Posted in Credit card Processing, Electronic Payments, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Near Field Communication, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: accounts, Android, banks, checkouts, contactless, embedded, EMV, EuroPay, fobs, Iphone, MasterCard, mobile, mobile wallet, Near Field Communication, nfc, optus, payments, paypass, paywave, phone, plastic credit cards, prepaid, process payments, qr codes, Samsung, secure, shops, sim, smart phones, Smartphones, smartwatch, sticker, store's, Tags, tap and go, tapping, terminal, terminals, transaction, visa's, vodafone