February 14th, 2014 by Elma Jane

News from Target, increasing the number of cards compromised to 70 million and the expansion of data loss to mailing and email addresses, phone numbers and names, affirms that we are in a security crisis.

Card data is from a brand and business perspective, the new radioactive material. Add personally identifiable information (PII) to the list of toxic isotopes.

The depressing vulnerabilities these breaches reveal are a result of skilled hackers, the Internet’s lack of inherent security, inadequate protections through misapplied tools or their outright absence. Security is very very hard when it comes to playing defense.

There is a set of new technologies that could, in a combination produce a defense in depth that we have not enjoyed for some time.

Looking at the Age of Context (ACTs)

Age of Context released, a book based on the hundreds of interviews conducted with tech start-up and established company leaders. A wide-ranging survey. They examine what happens when our location and to whom we are connected are combined with the histories of where and when we shop. Result is a very clear picture of our needs, wants and even what we may do next.

Combining the smartphone and the cloud, five Age of Context technologies ACTs, will change how we live, interact, market, sell and navigate through our daily and transactional lives. The five technologies are:

1. Big Data. Ocean of data generated from mobile streams and our online activity, can be examined to develop rich behavioral data sets. This data enables merchants to mold individually targeted marketing messages or to let financial institutions improve risk management at an individual level.

2. Geolocation. Nearly every cell phone is equipped with GPS. Mobile network operators and an array of service providers can now take that data to predict travel patterns, improve advertising efficiency and more.

3. Mobile Devices and Communications. These are aggregation points for cloud-based services, sending to the cloud torrents of very specific data.

4. Sensors. Smartphones, wearables (think Fitbits, smart watches and Google Glass) and other devices are armed with accelerometers, cameras, fingerprint readers and other sensors. Sensors enable highly granular contextual placement. A merchant could know not only which building we are at and the checkout line we are standing in but even which stack of jeans we are perusing.


5. Social. Social networks map the relationships between people and the groups they belong to, becoming powerful predictors of behavior, affiliations, likes, dislikes and even health. Their role in risk assessment is already growing.

The many combinations and intersections of these technologies are raising expectations and concerns over what is to come. Everyone has a stake in the outcome: consumers, retailers, major CPG brands, watchdog organizations, regulators, politicians and the likes of Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, eBay / PayPal and the entire payments industry.

We are at the beginning of the process. We should have misgivings about this and as an industry, individuals and as a society, we need to do better with respect to privacy and certainly with respect to relevance.

Provided we can manage privacy permissions we grant and the occasionally creepy sense that someone knows way too much about us, the intersections of these tools should provide more relevant information and services to us than what we have today. Anyone who has sighed at the sight of yet another web ad for a product long since purchased or completely inappropriate to you understands that personalized commerce has a long way to go. That’s part of what the Age of Context technologies promise to provide.

ACTs in Security    

ACTs role in commerce is one albeit essential application. They have the potential to power security services as well, specially authentication and identity-based approaches. We can combine data from two or more of these technologies to generate more accurate and timely risk assessments.

It doesn’t take the use of all five to make improvements. One firm have demonstrated that the correlation of just two data points is useful, it demonstrated that if you can show that a POS transaction took place in the same state as the cardholder’s location then you can improve risk assessment substantially. (based off of triangulated cell phone tower data).

Powerful questions of each technology that ACTs let us ask:

Data – What have I done in the past? Is there a pattern? How does that fit with what I’m doing now?

Geolocation – What building am I in? Is it where the transaction should be? Which direction am I going in or am I running away?

Mobile – Where does device typically operate? How’s the device configured? Is the current profile consistent with the past?

Sensors – Where am I standing? What am I looking at? Is this my typical walking gait? What is my heart rate and temperature?


Social – Am I a real person? Who am I connected to? What is their reputation?

Knowing just a fraction of the answers to these questions places the customer’s transaction origination, the profiles of the devices used to initiate that transaction and the merchant location into a precise context. The result should improve payment security.

More payments security firms are making use of data signals from non-payment sources, going beyond the traditional approach of assessing risk based primarily on payment data. One firm have added social data to improve fraud detection for ecommerce payment risk scoring. Another firm, calling its approach Social Biometrics, evaluates the authenticity of social profiles across multiple social networks including Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter and email with the goal of identifying bogus profiles. These tools are of course attractive to ecommerce merchants and others employing social sign on to simplify site registration. That ability to ferret out bogus accounts supports payment fraud detection as well.

This triangulation of information is what creates notion of context. Apply it to security. If you can add the cardholder’s current location based on mobile GPS to the access device’s digital fingerprint to the payment card, to the time of the day when she typically shops, then the risk becomes negligible. Such precise contextual information could pave the way for the retirement of the distinction between card present and card-not-present transactions to generate a card-holder-present status to guide risk decision-making.

Sales First, Then Security        

The use of ACT generated and derived signals will be based on the anticipated return for the investment. Merchants and financial institutions are more willing to pay to increase sales than pay for potential cost savings from security services. As a result, the ACTs will impact commerce decision making first-who to display an ad to, who to provide an incentive to.

New Combinations  

Behind the scene, the impact of the ACTs on security will be fascinating and important to watch. From a privacy perspective, the use of the ACTs in security should prove less controversial because their application in security serves the individual, merchant and the community.

Determining the optimal mix of these tools will take time. How different are the risks for QR-code initiated transactions vs. a contactless NFC transaction? What’s the right set of tools to apply in that case? What sensor-generated data will prove useful? Is geolocation sufficient? Will we find social relationships to be strong predictor of payment risk or are these more relevant for lending? And what level of data sharing will the user allow-a question that grows in importance as data generation and consumption is shared more broadly and across organizational boundaries. It will be important for providers of security tools to identify the minimum data for the maximum result.

I expect the ACT’s to generate both a proliferation of tools to choose from and a period of intense competition. The ability to smoothly integrate these disparate tools sets will be a competitive differentiator because the difficulty of deployment for many merchants is as important as cost. Similar APIs would be a start.

Getting More from What We Already Have  

The relying parties in a transaction – consumers, merchants, banks, suppliers – have acquired their own tools to manage those relationships. Multi-factor authentication is one tool kit. Banks, of course issue payment credentials that represent an account and proxy for the card holder herself at the point of sale or online. Financial institutions at account opening perform know your customer work to assure identity and lower risk.

Those siloed efforts are now entering an era where the federated exchange of this user and transactional data is becoming practical. Firms are building tools and the economic models to leverage these novel combinations of established attributes and ACT generated data.

The ACTs are already impacting the evolution of the payments security market. Payment security incumbents, choose just two from the social side, find themselves in an innovation rich period. Done well, society’s security posture could strengthen.

Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit card Processing, Credit Card Security, e-commerce & m-commerce, Electronic Payments, Internet Payment Gateway, Payment Card Industry PCI Security, Point of Sale, Smartphone, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

January 13th, 2014 by Elma Jane

Most of the world has already migrated to EMV chip technology. EMV, as commentators have noted, affects not only hardware and software, but every card payment system, device and application.  Looking ahead to the 2015 liability shift, stakeholders who have not made the switch should consider these benefits of EMV.

Rather than focusing on any potential expenses, however, stakeholders should  instead consider the important elements they have to gain.
EMV is here.

Benefits of EMV:

Global interoperability – Since most of the world has migrated to EMV, U.S. banks can that transition gain the ability to have their cards used with full EMV security anywhere in the world. Further, merchants benefit from this global interoperability as it allows them to process transactions coming into the U.S. from foreign travelers in the same way as domestic transactions.

Higher security – The latest data indicates that 78 percent of all counterfeit card fraud originates in areas where EMV has not yet been widely implemented, and even the most ardent detractors of EMV admit that EMV is very secure.

All stakeholders, gain a higher level of security than was available through magnetic-stripe technology.

Roadmap to mobile – POS terminals that support contactless EMV will in turn enable mobile EMV on NFC at merchants, meaning merchants can take advantages of all manner of popular payment methods, as well as the latest loyalty, location-based and couponing capabilities of mobile.

Posted in Credit card Processing, Credit Card Security, EMV EuroPay MasterCard Visa, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Near Field Communication, Point of Sale, Smartphone Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

December 5th, 2013 by Elma Jane

Three key benefits mPOS can provide PSPs. mPOS:

1. Maintains A Continuity Of Operations 
mPOS solutions also ease the process of accepting and approving payments, according to the white paper. By enabling face-to-face card present transactions, mPOS allows transactions to be conducted in a highly secure manner. Further, once the encrypted transaction data is decrypted securely by the PSP at the payment gateway (with no access granted to the merchant), the onward presentation of the data into the acquiring network is consistent with that used historically for traditional POS terminals.

2. Simplifies Merchant Support 
Thales suggests the biggest benefit to PSPs is that mPOS reduces the variety of costs PSPs need to cover to support merchants, cutting expenses related to equipment, security and PCI DSS compliance. This, the white paper says, allows PSPs that utilize mPOS to better allocate resources toward handling higher transaction volumes and acquiring business.

3. Supports Both Magnetic Stripe and EMV Cards 
Another benefit to PSPs is that mPOS, despite its recent entrance to the market, is already widely available. The white paper explains that since the mPOS revolution quickly migrated from the U.S. abroad, mPOS solutions now exist to serve the unique needs of both markets. While this means challenges for merchants operating globally, PSPs benefit from being able to address the needs of merchants who want to opt for any and all available market solutions.

Much has been said about the recent explosion of the mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) market and how micromerchants are driving this payments revolution. But, what this story doesn’t communicate effectively is that small merchants aren’t the only stakeholders benefiting from the ongoing mPOS migration.

Payment service providers (PSPs) are another member of the mPOS value chain that can gain flexibility and security through these solutions, new research from data protection solution provider Thales suggests.

“Both merchants and PSPs have operational and logistical issues with traditional POS terminals associated mainly with the highly controlled and certified environment in which they must be used,” Thales writes in its latest white paper on the topic, “mPOS: Secure Mobile Card Acceptance.”

The 27-page white paper provides an extensive overview of the ongoing POS revolution, explaining how mPOS can reduce friction and costs for merchants, illustrating how the technology works step-by-step and highlighting the roles that each stakeholder plays along the value chain.

Posted in Electronic Payments, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Payment Card Industry PCI Security, Point of Sale, Smartphone Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

November 22nd, 2013 by Admin

As we move to smartphones and tablets as payment methods security and privacy concerns are a real issue. With recent NSA leaks shedding light on our data and the access others have to it, we have to consider security, privacy and health implications. This year alone e-commerce transactions on smartphones and tablets during the holiday season are set to grow by 15%. Although tablets, not smartphones will drive the bulk of that growth, smartphones are set to overtake mobile-commerce payments over the next 5 years. Tablet payments in the U.S. alone are expecting to reach $26 billion in transactions. Currently tablets are more convenient for m-commerce due to their size, but as far as the future of electronic payment processing, smartphones are where it’s at.

The smart merchant sees this coming and realizes frictionless transactions increase sales. The more comfortable and less complicated a transaction is for a customer, the better. Smartphones, tablets, PCs, laptops and more can already process electronic transactions from credit and debit cards, gift cards, electronic checks and more. Money movement is easier than ever and more convenient than cash. Cash is king however in situations where internet connectivity and power are an issue. In India for example, a poor electric grid makes power outages a common occurrence. During natural disasters, when resources are badly needed, power outages or severed internet communications mean no electronic transactions can be processed. So physical currency remains a must, in the future we may see payment technology evolve to where digital money like crypto currency (BitCoin) may be stored on the device itself similar to having cash. As these electronic payment systems evolve, merchants need to position themselves to accept what their market prefers to transact with.

The smart citizen also sees this coming and has concerns that things like a National ID program being established may compromise their privacy.
As an extreme example of electronic transactions, a nightclub in Spain used subdermally implanted RFID chips in a woman that allowed patrons to pay for food and beverages without a credit card.

Posted in e-commerce & m-commerce, Electronic Check Services, Electronic Payments, Gift & Loyalty Card Processing, Merchant Services Account, Near Field Communication, Smartphone Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

November 14th, 2013 by Elma Jane

Los Angeles-based company Verifi, providing antifraud and risk-management services recently secured a patent for its dispute-resolution technology that enables merchants to avoid chargebacks by turning them into refunds earlier in the process. According to the patent abstract, the patent covers “receiving, at the partner platform, an inquiry/dispute event notification,” and “refunding the transaction or canceling future or recurring charges associated with the transaction.”

Verifi noted in the patent application, consumers are increasingly contacting their issuing bank first in the case of a disputed credit or debit card charge, cutting the merchant out until later in the process. The patent in question, in addition to streamlining the process for issuers engaged in the dispute process, helps recurring merchants by removing cardholders from the recurring payment program during the resolution process so additional charges will not come into question until the original dispute is settled.


Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, Credit card Processing, Payment Card Industry PCI Security Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

October 17th, 2013 by Elma Jane

National Transaction Corporation’s services will work with any existing (Non Proprietary) Terminal. NTC can reprogram an existing terminal as well as service and provide supplies for any terminal.

Below are the following Terminals and Model Type:

1. Hypercom – They produce electronic payment processing hardware and software for a wide range of industries. In 2009 Hypercom co-founded founding the Secure POS (Point Of Sale) Vendor Alliance, a non profit organization created by Hypercom, Ingenico and VeriFone to increase awareness of and improve payment industry security. Hypercom entered into a merger agreement with VeriFone, which closed August 4th, 2011.

Hypercom Machines: T7P –  T7Plus –  T4100 – T4210 – T4220 IP Terminal. For Precise Detail of the machines please check our website. www.nationaltransaction.com

 2. Ingenico – is a leading provider of payment solutions, with over 20 million terminals deployed in more than 125 countries. Ingenico is a worldwide company, whose business is to provide the technology involved in secure electronic transactions.  Its traditional business is based around the manufacture of point of sale payment terminals, but it now also includes complete payment solutions and related services. In 2008, after the merging with SAGEM Sécurité, Ingenico decided to close its historical R&D centre in Barcelona. This centre has developed Ingenico’s most successful family of EFTPOS (Electronic funds transfer point of sale). More than three million units sold worldwide in 2007. Ingenico acquired German payment processor Easycash in 2009. In 2011, Ingenico integrated Pennies, The electronic charity box, into one of their market leading mobile Chip and PIN payment terminals, allowing retailers to ‘switch on’ the Pennies solution so their customers can add a micro-donation to their bill when paying by card. As of 2012, over 15 million Ingenico terminals are deployed across 125 countries, with the Ingenico Aqua 50 being their best selling POS (Point Of Sale) terminal.

Ingenico Terminals: iPP220 – iPP320USB – iCT220 PIN Pad – iCT250 CounterTop – Agua PCI – i5100 Dial – i7780 HandHeld i778oM – i7780 Versatile Base – 7770 Intel Base. For Precise Detail of the terminal please check our website. www.nationaltransaction.com

 3. VeriFone – is a global provider of technology for electronic payment transactions an international producer and designer of electronic payment solutions and value-added services at the POS (Point Of Sale). VeriFone provides merchant-operated, consumer-facing and self-service payment systems for the financial, retail, travel & hospitality, petroleum, government and healthcare industries. The company’s solutions are utilized by merchants, processors and acquirers in developed and emerging economies worldwide.

VeriFone Models: OMNI 3730LE/VX510LE N – OMNI 3750 4MEG DUAL COM – VX 510 6 MB DUAL COM 12MB – VX570 DUAL COM 6MB WITH SMART CARD – VX610 CDMA (AVAILABLE FOR SPRINT AND VERIZONE). For Precise Detail of the models please check our website. www.nationaltransaction.com


Posted in Credit card Processing, Credit Card Reader Terminal, Credit Card Security, Electronic Payments, Near Field Communication, Point of Sale Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

October 15th, 2013 by Elma Jane

Banking and payments technology provider FIS and City National Bank, a private and business bank, have partnered to pilot FIS’s Cardless Cash Access at City National ATMs in Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco. The solution lets consumers stage an ATM transaction from their mobile devices.

City National plans to introduce the emerging technology to clients in its three largest markets early next year, according to an FIS announcement, continuing FIS’ rollout of the solution at banks and ATMs in key U.S. locations.

FIS said Cardless Cash Access securely authenticates a user on his or her smartphone. The consumer then uses the phone to select the account and amount of the withdrawal. At the ATM, the consumer scans a QR code on the ATM screen and, within seconds, the cash is dispensed and an e-receipt is sent to the phone.

Consumers continue to look for innovative new ways to engage with their financial institutions via mobile devices, FIS Mobile, said in the release. At the same time, they demand additional security to keep their information safe. Information from Cardless Cash Access is maintained in the cloud, so card data cannot be accessed if the consumer’s phone is lost or stolen – making this a faster, safer, more secure way to make a withdrawal.”

To decrease fraud, FIS said, security within Cardless Cash Access is provided through the app’s authentication and registration of a user’s smartphone, which the company said eliminates card skimming risk and fraud incidents for banks and their clients.

With the proliferation of debit and access to cash at the point of sale, financial institutions are looking for ways to expand the utility of the ATM,” Senior vice president and head of product strategies, Vince Hruska, City National Bank, said in the release. “Cardless Cash Access not only provides a secure and easy way to obtain cash from an ATM, but introduces to the client a new way of looking at ATM use.

Posted in Financial Services Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

October 15th, 2013 by Elma Jane

What is an electronic check?

Electronic Check also known as Echeck – is an electronic version of a Paper Check. Electronic Checks allow merchants to convert paper check payments made by customers to electronic payments that are processed through the (ACH) Automated Clearing House Network. It’s a fast, efficient, and secure way to process check payments.

Because of the many benefits and increased security methods that electronic checks offer, this method of payment is quickly growing in popularity. In 2007, electronic check conversion increased by 30%, with more than 3.1 billion paper checks converted to echecks through in-store transactions. Familiarizing yourself with how electronic checks work, the benefits and security features they offer, and how you can get started with electronic check conversion will save you time and money and help you provide greater protection for your business and your customers.

How it works:

Electronic check conversion is a simple method of processing payments, and the changes to how you do business are minimal. One of this method’s greatest advantages is that you can electronically submit checks instead of having to physically take them to the bank, saving you time and increasing employee efficiency.

When you receive a paper check payment from your customer, you will run the check through an electronic scanner system supplied by your merchant service provider like National Transaction Corporation (NTC). This virtual terminal captures the customer’s banking information and payment amount written on the check. The information is transferred electronically via the Federal Reserve Bank’s ACH Network, which takes the funds from your customer’s account and deposits them to yours.

Once the echeck has been processed and approved, the virtual terminal will instantly print a receipt for the customer to sign and keep. Employees should mark the paper check as “void” and return it to the customer. Your merchant transactions will be available online for viewing with customized detailed reporting, which may vary in features depending on the merchant service provider you choose.

Using electronic check conversion to process your customers’ payments holds many benefits over paper checks:


1. Received Funds Sooner. Businesses that use electronic check conversion have funds deposited almost twice as fast as those using the traditional check processing method, with billing companies often receiving payments within one day.

2. Reduced Fraud and Fewer Errors. Echecks are processed using an automated system, which cuts down the number of people who must handle the check, reducing the potential for error and fraud. Merchant service providers (NTC) also maintain, monitor, and check files against negative account databases that store information about individuals or companies that have past records of fraud to help decrease fraudulent activity.

3. Reduced Processing Costs. In general, the cost to process an echeck is substantially less than that of paper check processing or credit card transactions. Echecks require less manpower to process and eliminate incidental costs such as deposit and transaction fees that accompany paper checks. With Echecks, you can save up to 60% in processing fees.

4. Sales Increase. If your business didn’t accept paper checks in the past, you can expand the payment options available to your customers and increase sales by offering echecks. If you are converting from accepting paper checks to echecks, you can still expand your customer base by being able to accept international and

out-of-state checks without the worry of fraud. Echecks require account validation and customer authentication processes that identify bad checks within seconds.

5. Safe, Simple and Smart. Electronic check conversion is easy to set up and relies on the ACH Network for processing, the same reliable and trusted funds transfer system that handles Direct Deposit and Direct Payment. Plus, echecks are a smart choice for the environment, helping to reduce more than 67.4 million gallons of fuel used and 3.6 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions created by transporting paper checks.

Increase security with electronic checks – Electronic check conversion leverages the latest information protection features such as encryption and message authentication. Because of this, many retail merchants, merchant service providers, and financial institutions consider it to be one of the most secure payment methods in the electronic payment processing industry.

 Authentication – Merchants must verify that the person providing the checking account information has the authority to use that checking account. There are a number of authentication services and products available to merchants, including:

Digital Signatures or Digital Certificates are a way of Encrypting information that gives the receiver a more reliable indication that the information was sent by the claimed sender. They are used by programs on the Internet to confirm the identity of a customer to concerned third parties, serving a similar purpose as a handwritten signature. Digital Signatures cannot be easily tampered with or imitated and are easily transportable, thereby making them a reliable method for verifying identity when implemented correctly. Digital Signatures are often used to implement Electronic Signatures, a broader term that refers to any Electronic Data that carries the intent of a signature.

Duplicate Detection and prevention is another way to reduce fraudulent activities. Financial institutions have software and operational controls in place to prevent duplication of the scanned electronic representations of customer checks.

Encryption The ACH Network automatically encrypts messages using 128-bit encryption and a secure sockets layer (SSL).

 Public Key Cryptography is an Encryption/Decryption Security Method that uses one key to Encrypt a sent message and another to Decrypt it. With Electronic Check Conversion, the Private Key is a secret mathematical calculation used to create the digital signature on the Echeck, and the Public Key is the corresponding key given to anyone who needs to verify that the sender signed the echeck and that the electronic transfer has not been tampered with. Public Key Cryptography is another way to ensure authenticity of the Electronic Transfer of Funds.

 What is the (ACH) Automated Clearing House Network?

The Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network is a funds distribution system that moves funds electronically from one entity to another. This highly reliable and efficient nationwide electronic network is governed by the rules established by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) and the Federal Reserve (Fed). The ACH payment system also handles debit card transactions; direct deposits of payroll, Social Security, and other government benefits; direct debit payments; and business-to-business payments.

How to get started with Echeck:

Useful advice to help make the implementation of electronic check conversion at your business run smoothly:

Choose a processing company that is well established in the market. While a competitive pricing package may also be of importance, having a processor that is reliable with a good reputation is essential.

Look for a processor that enables you to easily align your current business processes with your new electronic processing system. Ensure that you can easily export customer data and smoothly integrate the electronic payment processing system with your business management software.

Notify your customers that your business will begin using electronic check conversion to process payments. Federal rules require you to post a notification about this change in practice as well as to give your customers a takeaway copy of the notification. You must also provide customers a telephone number to request more information about electronic check conversion.



Posted in Electronic Check Services, Electronic Payments, Financial Services Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

September 27th, 2013 by Elma Jane

Mobile Payment Bandwagon

Just this month, September 2013, a number of British retailers announced their partnership with smartphone payment application Zapp, expected to launch summer 2014. Long before that, in November 2012, global coffee chain Starbucks launched a mobile payment system using Square Wallet, allowing customers to pay for their coffees with a simple scan of their smartphone. In China, the mobile payment market tripled in size over the last year, with a growing number of retailers jumping aboard the e-payments trend. Clearly, mobile payments are the new face of commerce…both for consumers and, increasingly, within a B2B setting as well. It may not be long until every type of payment…from mortgages and business loans to utilities bills and income tax…is made through mobiles.

Though it’s a trend that’s now spreading across the globe, the rise of mobile payments can be directly traced back to Africa. It’s an example of how unique conditions give rise to innovative solutions, and how those innovations catch on. Here’s a brief look at the rise of mobile payment technology and at the role Africa has played in its success.

Africa Gets There Firstthis notion of exchanging funds through a mobile phone really took off in Africa. When M-Pesa was launched by Safaricom in Kenya in 2007, it was a simple solution to issues specific to the region. Kenyans who lived far from banks or couldn’t afford banking fees were given the opportunity to send and receive payments through SMS messages. M-Pesa answered these specific problems, but the concept behind the service has proven to have a far broader reach. After achieving success in Kenya, M-Pesa launched in Tanzania in 2008. Despite getting off to a slow start, the mobile payment services now has 5 million Tanzanian subscribers. It has also launched in South Africa, Afghanistan, India and there’s plans to roll it out in Egypt at some point in 2013.

At the heart of M-Pesa’s success has been efficiency and security. Removing the need to travel to a bank…or even the need to log into online banking…has made the process of transferring funds far easier and faster. Eliminating the need to write a cheque, use cash or enter credit card details has made the process far more secure. Increased efficiency and improved security are qualities that everyone…not just those in the developing world…stands to benefit from.

Thus, though today’s technology has adapted and built upon the M-Pesa model, the world still has Africa…Kenya in particular…to thank for starting the mobile payment revolution.

Posted in Financial Services, Mobile Payments, Smartphone Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

September 20th, 2013 by Elma Jane

“Hardware”: Key to Mobile Commerce’s future

If you thought mobile commerce was about the cloud or software, proof to the contrary is mounting. In fact, four key moves by three big companies over the past week have provided more evidence that software and the cloud are taking a back seat to a significant force in mobile.

OTA VS. Device Access

Without security mobile commerce is dead in its tracks after the first major breach. Two basic elements: Access to mobile apps and over-the -air security. Both necessary but they play entirely different roles. Mobile apps have direct access to our lives. With them we can share our professional story, personal lives and of course move money around with mobile banking and mobile commerce apps. Therefore, ensuring that no one but YOU can access your apps is important. That is why you probably have myriad user names, passwords and PINs. This brings us to our first big hardware move.

Apple’s Touch ID

Apple introduces hardwarebased biometrics with its new Touch ID. Essentially the first commercially product available biometric button, combines the user request (pushing button) and the identity check (scanning the fingerprint) into one action.

Apple correctly presented this feature as an excellent for a personal identification number to activate the phone or complete an iTunes purchase.

Apple’s Secure Enclave

The “secure element” is essentially hardware and software that, when combined, function like a smartcard running on a part of the mobile phone that no other app can access. Apple announced that the highly sensitive fingerprint data from its Touch ID product would not be stored on a remote server, in the cloud or even in the iPhone memory. It will be stored in the “secure enclave” of its new A7 processor chip.

Difference between a secure enclave and a secure element? Probably little or nothing. We don’t know if Apple’s secure enclave uses smartcard technology, we know it is essentially hardware and software running on the part of it’s a& chip that no other app can access.


Posted in Electronic Payments, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale Tagged with: , , , ,