October 14th, 2024 by Admin
Marketing is an essential element for your business’ success, and we are here to give some simple tips to help you market beyond flyers and brochures.

Create a Promotion or Discount Offer: If you are starting up or your business has slowed down, creating an offer or promotion can bring in some new business to you. Be sure is an offer that truly brings value to your customers and something that does not entirely undervalue your services either.
Creating a promotion or discount offer can help those who are undecided, to make a decision and try-out your services so they can see and test what you have to bring to the table.

Attend Networking Events: We all know this, but not many do it. People are needed for business, so what a better way to get customers than to attend a networking event.
Better yet, a networking event can bring a plethora of ideas. By only talking to others about what they do and who they are, you can realize how you can best serve your audience and also create long-lasting relationships.

Write Guest Posts: Chances are, that if you are in business, you have a certain amount of experience in some topic. What a better way to show your knowledge than to write about it!
While you can start your blog (which we recommend), you can also add value by going to other, perhaps more popular blogs and share your expertise there. Medium is an excellent site for this, and there are plenty of other blogs out there that are looking for people like you to share their two cents and bring value to their audience.

Host a Training: Following on sharing your expertise, what a better way than to host a training about what you do! Sharing some expert tips and giving others the power to do what you do can bring clients to you.
Sharing your expertise can give people an idea and sense of how passionate you are about what you do and how well you know your subject. By doing this, many can realize that instead of a do-it-yourself approach, it is best they hire your services. At a minimum, hosting training will bring in value to those around which can help with word of mouth.

Use Social Media: Lastly, but not any less important, social media is a big way to market yourself. All of these topics above can benefit and be used as part of your social media campaign.
You can connect with your audience faster and constantly with social media. You can use to promote your blogs, your training, your promotions and even to continue to communicate with those whom you have connected at a networking event.
The best part about social media is that you can get a quicker response about how you are sharing your message and if people find value in it. It can also help you learn about your audience and how that audience reacts to you.
There are many more ways to market your business, but we think these five can give you a great head start and help you grow your business today. We would love to hear from you about how these have helped your business succeed.
Posted in Small Business Improvement Tagged with: blog, blogger, blogging, business, entreprenreur, expert, Facebook, facebook ads, Instagram, marketing, networking, promotion, social media, social networking, training
June 17th, 2014 by Elma Jane
Sales is like acting: You may have something great to offer, but no matter how hard you try, some people just aren’t going to like it. Just as actors don’t nail every audition, a salesperson won’t close every deal or chase down every lead. Dealing with this kind of rejection day after day can really wear your sales team down if they don’t have the right mindset.
One of the most crucial skills you can help your sales team develop is the ability to effectively manage adversity and overcome rejection through the power of positive thinking. With rare exceptions, a salesperson faces more losses than wins. As a sales team leader, you’ll need to find a way to keep your group motivated and focused on overcoming the many obstacles they’ll face in the course of cold calling and pitching proposals.
Inspiring optimism in your sales team isn’t always easy, but you can do it with the right techniques.
Encourage team members to share success stories. Gather the team and have all sales people share stories about how they overcame obstacles and reversed setbacks. By learning how other team members succeeded after initial adversity, sales professionals can learn to be more optimistic in their own thoughts. You can also review one of the most impressive wins your team had for the quarter and outline what enabled that sales representative to win the deal. This is a great way to build confidence in the company’s product and service, and do some team building at the same time.
We’re not 100 percent in control of our circumstances, but we can control the attitude with which we confront them. A prospect can tell in just a few minutes if you are confident and passionate about what you are selling and if you are prepared. Your confidence often breeds confidence in the prospect, which more often than not leads to winning the sale. By choosing to see the glass as half full, we can position ourselves for greater success.
Meet one-on-one with your sales staff. It’s important that your sales team recognizes the direct connection between their attitudes and their results. As a leader, you can help by assessing individual performance and talking through how each person’s perceptions affect his or her results. Different techniques will appeal to different individuals, so it’s best to take a personalized approach.
Retrain worn-down employees. Constant rejection when making a few dozen calls a day can take its toll on even the most optimistic person. The first sign that sales representatives are struggling comes when they claim that the product is too expensive or does not provide the functionality customers are looking for. Those sales people then expect rejection from every additional call. This may mean they require more training on what differentiates the product from the competition. If this is the case, it’s best to get those representatives off the phones and into a training session, where you can fine-tune their approaches and rebuild confidence.
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged with: customer, lead, product, proposals, sales, Sales Representatives, sales team, salesperson, training