October 17th, 2013 by Elma Jane
You find a good deal online, and as you hastily proceed through the checkout, something goes wrong.
After typing in your name, address and credit card number, you mis-key a digit of your credit card number. The transaction doesn’t go through. The screen seems to yell at you. START OVER. You feel like yelling back.
You have to get to a meeting, so you close your browser and vow to revisit the process later or – worse – try booking the flight on another travel site.
Cart abandonment is a well-known problem for merchants trying to sell goods to online shoppers, and it is even more pronounced when the shopper is using a mobile device.
Travelocity was seeing far too much of it, so the online travel booking site turned to Jumio for a solution.
Travelocity’s deployment of Netswipe, Jumio’s credit card scanning and validation tool, provided the basis for discussion in a recent webinar, “How Travelocity Increased Conversion, Engagement on its Mobile Apps,” sponsored by Jumio and hosted by Mobile Payments Today.
The best webinars look at use cases, said Anthony Lanham, Jumio senior vice president for North American sales, and Travelocity’s experience with Netswipe provides a great example.
Travelocity’s problem was straightforward, the online travel agency’s director of engineering. The site is a common destination for people looking for just-in-time bookings, he said. They need it right now.
And with shoppers increasingly accessing the site from mobile devices, there was this pattern. The user doing a last-minute booking is in a hurry. When you’re in a hurry with a small screen, there’s a decent tendency to ‘fat-finger’ and make key-entry errors. The transaction fails, and that becomes frustrating for the user in a hurry.
A Jumio consumer mobile insight study found that a majority of respondents find it too difficult to fill out forms from a mobile device. And if a purchase doesn’t go through, they almost never go back to try again.
They may come back and finish later, but if it’s Travelocity, the door is now open to go to Expedia and book that flight or hotel.”
Netswipe is designed to remove the burden of entering card details. The solution lets users snap a photo of their card with the camera on their mobile device and present it at checkout, removing the need to self-enter.
In the case of Travelocity, when users reach the mobile site’s checkout page, they see an “autoscan with camera” option in the billing header. They hold the card in front of the camera, which scans it and provides the necessary details to the site. The process takes about five seconds.
To test the solution, Travelocity first implemented it on its sister site, LastMinute.com. Adding the software development kit to the LastMinute.com app was simple and early adoption was larger than the company anticipated. That early success led to quick integration of the app on the flagship Travelocity site.
Checkout conversion rates there also increased much more quickly than anticipated. Over two months, customers using the card scan feature converted at 52 percent, compared to 9 percent for other customers. “The data made it clear that ease of entering payment information was the main reason.”
Though Travelocity’s challenge centered on customer conversion and engagement, Netswipe also acts as a fraud deterrent.
Fraudsters always take the path of least resistance and any decent fraudster can get their hands on the name and number and expiration date that match. But once you get to the point of asking that fraudster to put a bona fide card in front of a camera, you are going to instantly cut out a huge swath of fraudsters. For them to take that information and actually translate it on a physical card that would pass muster for the checks that we do is an enormous task. They can go monetize those fraudulent credentials elsewhere easily.
Moharil offered a few lessons from the integration. First, he said, it’s important to measure, and to continue measuring often. For example, are users checking out the feature out of curiosity or are they using it to complete transactions? And it’s important to plan for backward compatibility – making sure earlier versions of the Jumio SDK and Travelocity app don’t have glitches.
Moharil advised rolling out a new solution along the simplest path, in a small use case, early results for Travelocity have been so good, he only wishes the solution were implemented sooner.
The webinar concluded with a short question-and-answer session. The free webinar is now available for Online Replay, and will remain on the Mobile Payments Today site for 12 months.
Posted in Best Practices for Merchants, e-commerce & m-commerce, Travel Agency Agents, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: autoscan with camera, billing, booking, cart, checkout, conversion, credit-card, data, device, digit, fraudster, key-entry, merchant, mis-key, mobile, online, shoppers, site, transaction, travel, travel agency's, travelocity, webinar
October 11th, 2013 by Elma Jane
(Moto) Mail Order/Telephone Order Merchant – In the realm of credit card processing is defined as a merchant who manually keys in over 50% of their transactions and an Internet Merchant is one who accepts transactions over the Internet via an E-Commerce store with an online gateway or who submits transactions manually through a Virtual Terminal.
Qualified Transaction Conditions (For MOTO/Internet merchants the Mid-Qualified Rate is essentially the Qualified rate as these merchants never swipe a credit card through a terminal.)
One electronic authorization request is made per transaction and the transaction date is equal to the shipping date. The authorization response data must also be included in the settled transaction.
Additional data (sales tax and customer code) is required in the settled transaction on all commercial (business) cards at non-Travel & Entertainment (T&E) locations.
The authorization request message must include Address Verification Service (AVS), which verifies the street address and the zip code of the card holder. NOTE: The only way this happens is if your software is set up to do this, or, if you are using a terminal, then if you capture the AVS information at the time of keying in your transaction.
The settled transaction amount must equal the authorized amount.
The settled transaction must include the business’s customer service telephone number, order number, and total authorized amount.
The transaction is electronically deposited (batch transmitted) on or 1 day after authorization date.
The transaction/shipping date must be within 7 calendar days of authorization date.
Non-Qualified Transaction Conditions
One or more of the Qualified or Partially Qualified conditions were not met.
Commercial Card without the additional data.
The transaction was not electronically authorized or the authorization response data was not included in the settled transaction.
The transaction was electronically deposited (batch transmitted) greater than 1 day from transaction/shipping/authorization date, or:
The VISA Infinite card was accepted.
Commercial Card Additional Data
Corporate Data Rate II (Purchasing cards): Sales Tax and customer Code (supplied by cardholder at point of sale) Corporate Data Rate II (Business and Corporate cards): Sales Tax International Corporate Purchasing Data Rate II: Sales Tax and Customer Code (supplied by cardholder at point of sale)
The following information must also be provided: Merchant’s Federal Tax ID; Merchant Incorporation Status; and Owner’s full name if the merchant is a sole proprietor.
Purchasing cards: Sales Tax and Customer Code (supplied by cardholder at point of sale) Corporate and Business cards: Sales Tax
Posted in Credit card Processing, e-commerce & m-commerce, Electronic Payments, Internet Payment Gateway, Mail Order Telephone Order Tagged with: address verification service, authorization, avs, batch, business, corporate, credit card processing, data, e-commerce, electronically, entertainment, fax order, gateway, internet, internet merchant, keying, mail order, moto, phone order, qualified, settle, store, telephone order, transactions, transmit, travel, virtual terminal
October 3rd, 2013 by Elma Jane
Here’s how typical credit card transaction works:
When a consumer pays with a credit card, the merchant sends the details of the transaction along with the credit card information to the merchant’s bank. The merchant’s bank forwards the information to the cardholder’s bank for approval. If approved, the cardholder’s bank sends the required amount to the merchant’s bank, minus the merchant discount rate. The credit card companies don’t receive any revenue directly from interchange rates. Instead they make their money by charging the banks fees for networks, transactions and other kinds of services.
Up until April 2008, interchange rates were simple and inflexible. At that point, the company decided to move to a more dynamic system.
Interchange rates now vary from card to card, depending on the types of services and incentives offered. Typically, premium cards, which come with rewards for things like travel, cost merchants more to process. The rates also vary by type of transaction, and even by type of retailer. At times, the card companies have, for example, set special rates for grocery and gas retailers in a bid to boost credit-card use in locations where cash and debit traditionally dominated. The card companies have also introduced a growing number of premium and even super-premium cards that cost merchants more to process. The cards appeal to consumers because they contain a number of attractive incentives, such as travel and other rewards. The changes in the rate structure followed a change in the credit card companies’ business model in the mid 2000s.
Visa and MasterCard evolved from private associations owned mainly by the banks they serviced to publicly traded, profit-driven entities beholden to a wide range of shareholders. Merchants say the fees they pay to accept credit cards are rising as a result and have become increasingly unpredictable. Critics of the credit card companies say the merchant is a powerless middleman in a system that entices consumers to use their cards and banks to reap the benefits.
The credit card companies say the system benefits everyone, including merchants, by providing a rapid, secure form of payment.
Every time you use your credit card to make a purchase, the merchant pays what is called the “merchant discount fee.” The merchant discount fee is calculated as a percentage of the good or service purchased. It can range from 1.5 per cent to 3 per cent. On a $100 item, for example, the merchant could pay a fee of between $1.50 and $3.The merchant discount fee covers a number of things, such as terminal rentals, fraud protection and transaction slips. But the biggest component of it is based on the interchange rate, which is set by the credit card companies.
In a complicated twist, the credit card companies don’t make any money from the interchange rate. The banks do. The interchange rate is what makes the credit card system work. This rate ensures the banks have a financial incentive to issue and accept credit cards.
Posted in Credit card Processing, Electronic Payments, Merchant Services Account, Visa MasterCard American Express Tagged with: associations, bank, card, cardholder, charging, credit, credit-card, discount rate, dynamic, fees, financial, fraud, interchange, merchant, Merchant's, networks, payment, process, protection, Rates, rentals, secure, services, terminal, transaction, travel
September 30th, 2013 by Elma Jane
National Transaction Corporation and Trams Back Office
As National Transaction Corporation Executives get to meet Sabre’s key people in Miami FL let’s know more about what Trams Back Office one of their respective products can offer.
Travel and transportation industry is evolving quickly, agility is needed in adapting to the changing customer needs. In addition to providing the right services for customers and for business.
With Trams Back Office, part of the Sabre Red travel solution, your capable to easily monitor, manage and grow your business. Trams provides right-size, right-price information technology (IT) solutions and is one of the most popular back office accounting and reporting system on the market today. It’s easy to learn and use, helping you control costs with extreme efficiency.
In addition, Trams Back Office seamlessly works withClientBase to deliver a complete solution incorporating GDS integration, CRM, General Ledger, and more.
Special Features
Credit Card Merchant – process your merchant credit card service fees and other transactions through Trams Back Office.Trams and ClientBase Products and Services has formed alliances with credit card processing companies, to bring you competitive rates and an easy-to-use interface to process agency merchant credit card service fees and other transactions through Trams Back Office.
The Credit Card (CC) Merchant Reconciliation under Payments|Reconciliation|CC Merchant Reconciliation takes the CC Merchant payments from Trams Back Office (TBO) verifies them, and sends them electronically to your credit card processor. Your credit card transactions are then processed and sent back to Trams Back Office, where TBO clears the processed items and creates the payment and the journal entry to record the activity in the General Ledger.
Add Ons
Trams Crystal Reports – measure effectiveness and efficiency by running pre-designed Crystal Reports within the Trams Back Office system. Its FREE!! Trams Crystal Reports is an add-on to ClientBase and/or Trams Back Office that offers you the ability to run pre-designed Crystal Reports in addition to those offered within the Trams Back Office and ClientBase products. TCR10 is the most recent version of Trams Crystal Reports that is integrated with Trams Back Office and ClientBase. When TCR10 is installed, you will be able to launch Trams Crystal Reports from your desktop or in Trams Back Office, using the TCR Viewer under Reports.
IC/Host Agency Export Utility- allows Independent Contractors to share invoice data with their Host Agency’s Trams Back Office system for FREE!! Agencies today are choosing to change the way they make their bookings. Many are dropping out of ARC/BSP and booking air tickets through a Host Agency. They may also book some or all of their Cruise & Tour business with a Host Agency, or continue doing those bookings as they always have. These Independent Contractor (IC) Agents working through a Host Agency, may still operate a Store Front location, or move into a “home based” environment. This utility is designed for independent contractors (IC) and host agencies to share data more efficiently. IC’s use the host’s GDS create invoices marked with their own IC code. These invoices are then interfaced into the host’s Trams Back Office (TBO) database. This utility gives the Host the ability to transfer these interfaced invoices to the IC for importing into their IC copy of Trams Back Office. To receive records from a host agency using this utility, an IC must have a copy of Trams Back Office. The utility also allows IC’s that use ClientBase to create invoices, to export those invoices and share them with the host agency.
Over View – Trams Back Office is a locally installed solution that allows agency to effectively manage entire accounting and reporting process with their Free Special Features and Free AddOns.
Posted in Credit card Processing, Electronic Payments, Merchant Services Account, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: agencies, agency, agency's, air, Back Office, clientbase, credit card merchant, credit-card, host, payment, processor, reporting, Sabre Red, solution, store front, tickets, Trams, transportation, travel
September 27th, 2013 by Elma Jane
Mobile Payment Bandwagon
Just this month, September 2013, a number of British retailers announced their partnership with smartphone payment application Zapp, expected to launch summer 2014. Long before that, in November 2012, global coffee chain Starbucks launched a mobile payment system using Square Wallet, allowing customers to pay for their coffees with a simple scan of their smartphone. In China, the mobile payment market tripled in size over the last year, with a growing number of retailers jumping aboard the e-payments trend. Clearly, mobile payments are the new face of commerce…both for consumers and, increasingly, within a B2B setting as well. It may not be long until every type of payment…from mortgages and business loans to utilities bills and income tax…is made through mobiles.
Though it’s a trend that’s now spreading across the globe, the rise of mobile payments can be directly traced back to Africa. It’s an example of how unique conditions give rise to innovative solutions, and how those innovations catch on. Here’s a brief look at the rise of mobile payment technology and at the role Africa has played in its success.
Africa Gets There First – this notion of exchanging funds through a mobile phone really took off in Africa. When M-Pesa was launched by Safaricom in Kenya in 2007, it was a simple solution to issues specific to the region. Kenyans who lived far from banks or couldn’t afford banking fees were given the opportunity to send and receive payments through SMS messages. M-Pesa answered these specific problems, but the concept behind the service has proven to have a far broader reach. After achieving success in Kenya, M-Pesa launched in Tanzania in 2008. Despite getting off to a slow start, the mobile payment services now has 5 million Tanzanian subscribers. It has also launched in South Africa, Afghanistan, India and there’s plans to roll it out in Egypt at some point in 2013.
At the heart of M-Pesa’s success has been efficiency and security. Removing the need to travel to a bank…or even the need to log into online banking…has made the process of transferring funds far easier and faster. Eliminating the need to write a cheque, use cash or enter credit card details has made the process far more secure. Increased efficiency and improved security are qualities that everyone…not just those in the developing world…stands to benefit from.
Thus, though today’s technology has adapted and built upon the M-Pesa model, the world still has Africa…Kenya in particular…to thank for starting the mobile payment revolution.
Posted in Financial Services, Mobile Payments, Smartphone Tagged with: banking, broader, credit card, e-payments, efficiency, fees, global, innovations, innovative, messages, mobile, payment, retailers, Security, services, smartphone, sms, solution, travel
September 26th, 2013 by Elma Jane
With revamped iPhone app Travelocity rethinks smartphone bookings
To accommodate for the more gesture-based features in Apple’s new iOS 7, Travelocity rebuilt its iPhone application from the ground up. The online travel agency’s new app is aimed at moving users through the booking process quicker with more visuals. Travelocity has been streamlining all parts of the trip-planning experience with its mobile apps continuously in the past few years.
“Luckily, we have a great, agile team and some top-notch mobile designers, so we were able to dive into the new design as soon as the beta was released. “We also decided early on to rebuild this version from scratch and really work on making it fast and reliable,” said Blake Clark, director of mobile for Travelocity. “We find mobile travelers demand speed and sometimes they’re in less-than stellar connection areas, so that was a big one.”
Streamlined design
Tavelocity updated its iPhone app with a design that highly plays up images and visuals. The app’s home screen shows photos of world cities to inspire consumers to take a last-minute trip. The app also leverages the new AirDrop feature of iOS 7 to let consumers securely share their travel information with friends and family members after they book a hotel.
The new app includes a feature that lets consumers scan their credit cards with a built-in camera feature to cut down on the number of steps that it takes consumers to check out. The technology detects the number on a credit card and automatically fills in portions of the checkout page. The app also highlights Travelocity’s mobile-exclusive offers that take into account a user’s location to serve up relevant offers and deals.
Travel on mobile
Travelocity has been building up its mobile strategy for quite some time with different mobile products and ad campaigns. Most recently, the brand designed its Web site around responsive design, which led to a 6 percent increase in iOS bookings and an 8 percent jump for Android reservations after two month.
Travelocity’s tablet booking experience was also named the best this spring in a study from Mobivity.
Travelocity is the latest example of how iOS 7 has shifted the way that marketers develop mobile apps with more gesture- and touch-based features. “It’s a shift of how Apple customers interact with their devices, and as a leader in the travel space, we wanted to make sure we’re reducing the amount of friction travelers have when booking a trip.” “With the iOS 7 launch, now our app and the device look, work and feel the same; it’s seamless.” Mr. Clark said.
“Travelers can easily access the deep selection and great value Travelocity is known for. Travelocity’s goal – to be a traveler’s trusted companion before, during and after the travel experience.”
Posted in Credit card Processing, e-commerce & m-commerce, Electronic Payments, Mobile Payments, Near Field Communication, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: agencies, agency, agency's, agent, app, booking, iOS, ios7, Iphone, mobile, smartphone, travel, travelocity
September 26th, 2013 by Elma Jane
Mobile checkout integrated into transportation ticketing app by Barclay’s Pingit
Barclay’s Pingit mobile payments service is teaming up with Corethree to bring the financial institution’s mobile checkout to public transportation customers in Britain.
Corethree offers a mobile wallet for transport ticketing in Britain. By including Barclays Pingit in its wallet, Corethree can offer users more flexibility in how they pay for tickets.
“Providing a variety of native payment solutions within the application enhances the customer experience by allowing them the same type of purchasing experience that they currently enjoy from their favorite websites and ecommerce sites.”
“In the U.S. this includes integrating with payment option like PayPal and eventually electronic wallet providers as well.”
Mobile checkout
Pingit was introduced in early 2012, enabling users to make person-to-person payments.
The app’s breadth of services have been expanded several times since to include mobile payments from NFC tags and mobile checkout for Web sites and print ads.
Corethree reports that it is the first business to integrate Barclays Pingit mobile checkout, enabling bus passengers to browse, select, purchase and use bus tickets from their mobile devices.
Over the next 12 months, Corethree and Barclays will roll out their mobile payment services to other transport operators, with the goal of reaching up to 1 million passenger journeys per day.
The service will be available via Android and iPhone devices on any mobile network.
Mobile payments entry
Public transportation organizations around the world are embracing mobile ticketing to make it easy for riders to purchase and use tickets from their smartphones. Enabling users to purchase transit tickets anywhere at any time that can be used. Last year, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority rolled out a new mobile ticketing service, giving commuters a way to purchase and display rail tickets on their smartphones.
“Transit is an integral part of consumers’ daily lives, and as such providing consumers with a secure way to pay with their phone and not have to carry cash or exact change is a great starting point for people to get comfortable using mobile payments.”
“Mobile ticketing is a great way to introduce customers to making payments from their mobile device.”
Posted in Credit card Processing, Digital Wallet Privacy, e-commerce & m-commerce, Electronic Payments, Mobile Payments, Mobile Point of Sale, Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: checkout, devices, electronic wallet, integrating, Iphone, mobile, nfc, payment, payments service, smartphone, Tags, ticket, ticketing, tickets, transportation, travel
September 26th, 2013 by Elma Jane
Asta‘s Global Convention held in Miami FL, September 16-19, 2013 with National Transaction Corporation’s President, Mr. Mark Fravel in the Guest List.

ASTA American Society of Travel Agents and Agencies
With ASTA’s Global Convention held last September 16-19, 2013 in Miami Florida, National Transaction Corporation accessed to a powerful and inspirational collection of unrivalled 36 speakers including…Hilary Rodham Clinton, Former Secretary of State and Former U.S. Senator from New York. With high quality travel industry content and peer-to-peer networking opportunities, National Transaction Corporation’s Business has moved forward through these thought provoking sessions, breakouts and networking events.
Headed by NTC’s President, Mr. Mark Fravel, together with his Account Executives; Chelsie Fravel, Megan Fravel and Richard Delos Santos, they actively attended all the sessions that are involved in the Convention. National Transaction Corporation handed out around 300 Business Cards with Micro Screen Cleaner as part of their promotional giveaways in their very own NTC booth.
With the opportunity for over 1,400 ASTA CEOs, Presidents and Agency Owners that has come together with leading travel suppliers, the Convention influenced critical issues of our day. Engaged in instructive and new media technologies that impact our industry and shared innovative ideas with like-minded professionals. NTC a Credit Card/Electronic Payment Processing Merchant Account Services get to meet key people for Sabre, a Global Distribution System which products and services enable agencies to streamline accounting processes, build a powerful marketing database, and send targeted marketing pieces with measurable results. With the convention GUEST LIST which includes NTC and other Business Agencies and Companies like Car Rental, Cruise, Hotel, Insurance, Marketing Magazine, Travel, and a lot more are the individuals in which you want to meet and build your organization’s future.
With the ASTA Global Convention, it unites members and travel industry professionals to create a conference for the most influential buyers in the industry. As the leading advocate for travel agents, the travel industry and the traveling public, ASTA and its members represent 80% of all travel sold by travel agencies in the United States.
The ASTA Global Convention is reaching new heights through innovative education, captivating luminaries and diverse networking opportunities. ASTA continues to promote travel around the globe and to remind the traveling public of the value of professional services provided by travel agents and tour operators.
Posted in Travel Agency Agents Tagged with: agencies, agency, agent, airline, ASTA, car rental, clinton, credit card, cruise, hillary, hotel, Mark Fravel, merchant account, National Transaction Corporation, Processing, travel
August 6th, 2013 by Admin
In Canada, the game to corner mobile payment systems and the Digital Wallet is being played seriously. PayPal and Square are present but the 800 pound gorilla may have just entered the ring. Canadian banks are presenting merchant accounts capable of handling tap to pay transactions competing directly with Square and PayPal. Royal Bank of Canada has launched a mobile payment solution to provide contactless payment using Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled smartphones and tablets. Shoppers can simply wave their smartphone over a cash register or payment terminal and be on their way. No more swiping a credit card into a terminal or punching keys into a terminal and no more fumbling with cash or coins to settle a payment. Read more of this article »
Posted in Credit card Processing Tagged with: bank, bankers, blackberry, Canada, Canadian, Canadian travel agency agents, digital, electronic, financial services, ipad, Iphone, mobile, nfc, payments, PayPal, Rogers Communications, Royal Bank, smartphone, Square, tablet, travel
As a society, our smartphones are increasingly becoming a more important in our daily lives. Already replacing watches, alarm clocks, wallets and calendars today we carry our smartphones with us everywhere, including the bathroom. While smartphone users are traveling everywhere with their smartphones, are they actually booking travel with their smartphones? eMarketer asked that very question in a survey of 1,200 internet users and asked about their travel booking habits on the internet. The responses indicate that 40% of digital travel researchers will use their smartphones and tablets and mobile payments to complete travel bookings. Read more of this article »
Posted in Merchant Services Account Tagged with: agencies, agent, agents, credit card, e-commerce, gateway, ipad, Iphone, laptop, merchant account, notebook, smartphone, tablet, ticketless, travel