Tokenization and Encryption

Tokenization and Encryption are completely different technologies when it comes to securing ­sensitive data, such as credit cards.

Encryption tools and techniques is to mask original data, then allow it to be decrypted. It uses an algorithm to scramble credit card information that makes the data unreadable to anyone.

Encryption is most often “end-to-end.

Example:  When someone enters card data into a web browser to buy an item and decrypted when the purchaser’s authorized credit card information reaches its intended destination, which is the merchant’s e-commerce database.

Encrypted card data is unreadable while it’s “at rest” in a database or “in motion” during a purchase transaction; and inaccessible until a key decrypts it. The chances of a hacker stealing the data is minimal. But, if card data passes through multiple internal systems en route to an acquiring bank or payment gateway, the encrypt/decrypt/re-encrypt process could open a wide security hole, thus creating vulnerabilities to hackers.

Tokenization have found to be cheaper, easier to use and more secure than end-to-end encryption.

Tokenization completely removes credit card data from internal networks and replaces it with a generated, unique “token”. Tokens have no meaning and are worthless to criminals if a company’s system is breached.

Merchants use only the token to retrieve, access, or maintain their customers’ credit card information.

Example: Actual credit card number was 3234 4567 8789 78910, it might become FHIW145BVE65478 when a token is generated. The token is randomly generated and there is no algorithm to regain the original card number. hackers can’t reverse-engineer the actual credit card number, even if they were to grab the tokens off the servers.

Using tokens doesn’t change a merchant’s payment processing experience. Only they’re much safer for a merchant than actual credit cards.

November 18th, 2016 by