Weak Pass PassWords and Data Breaches


Every merchants, small, medium or large, should put in some effort to protect their sensitive data. Many breaches of data could have been prevented by implementing stronger security controls and employing safety best practices in the workplace.

Weak or stolen usernames and passwords are one of the top causes of data breaches, and more than 75 percent of attacks on corporate networks are due to weak passwords. Almost half of all instances of hacking is due to stolen passwords, which are obtained through the theft of password lists. This indicates that there is no organization in any industry that is not vulnerable to a breach of data.

Studies across the board indicate that weak usernames and passwords are one of the top causes of data breaches. A strong password is the first line of defense against scammers and hackers, and to help keep your data safer.

There are risks associated with relying on weak usernames and passwords to restrict the access of data. Data breaches could have been stopped if a stronger, better password was used. Experts, including the IT team of companies, can offer assistance to employees seeking to improve their passwords and reduce risk.

Weak password means data breaches! The best passwords are long and varied, with symbols, letters and numbers. These passwords should not be obvious, such as the name of a company, address or company motto. It is difficult to enact policies for improved passwords in the workplace because employees are not informed of the facts.



October 23rd, 2015 by