
Double refunds are when a customer is provided with two refunds for the same transaction. Chargebacks can be involved in a double refund.

Double Refunds Happen When:

Chargebacks are filed after a refund is issued. The consumer contacts the merchant and requests a refund, but the funds aren’t returned immediately. The consumer thinks the request for the refund was ignored and files a chargeback. Then both the chargeback and the refund are being processed.

Chargebacks are filed before a refund is issued. The consumer calls the bank and initiates a chargeback. Then, the consumer calls the merchant and expresses dissatisfaction. To try to avoid a chargeback, the merchant provides a refund. However, the merchant has no idea of the fact that a chargeback has already been filed because the consumer calls the bank first

Even thou a merchant provided a refund with a customer that doesn’t guarantee that a chargeback won’t be initiated. Same thing with chargeback that has been filed doesn’t guarantee that customer won’t contact the merchant and demand a refund as well.

Just because a merchant provided a customer with a refund that doesn’t guarantee that a chargeback won’t be initiated. Same thing with chargeback that has been filed doesn’t guarantee that customer won’t contact the merchant and demand a refund as well.

It is possible for the customer to receive a double refund for the one purchase transaction.


May 9th, 2016 by