Debit & EBT Card Payment Processing
Debit and EBT Card Processing that Works for Your Business.
Offering your customers choice is the key to success in business.
That can mean stocking your shelves with the best selection of products. It can mean offering a great range of services. It should also extend to the way you let your customers pay.
Once it was enough for a company to take cash or check payments.
Now card acceptance is a necessity for any modern business serious about reaching a broad customer base. For the very best in flexibility your company should accept credit, debit and EBT card payments.
NTC - A Reputation for Excellence
NTC has built a strong reputation by delivering excellence to merchants for over 20 years. Our range of card transaction processing solutions have supported thousands of businesses in achieving their goals.
The advantages we offer include:
- Ultra-competitive pricing - low, low rates on processing
- Flexible solutions - take payments in the way that's best for your business
- Fast processing times - for cash in your account the next day
- Robust, secure solutions - partner with a company that cares about your customer's data as much as you do
- Support when you need it - with trained industry experts on hand we offer the support your business needs 24/7
All of our services are designed to save you money and allow you to offer the payment options your customers expect
Accepting Debit Card Transactions - a Great Way to Minimize Your Fees!
There are many great reasons for your company to choose NTC. But often the one question at the front of a business owners mind is how can I save on transaction fees?
Accepting debit card payments is a great way to save while offering your customers a popular payment method. Your customer can choose to pay by swiping their card and entering a PIN. Our pricing for this form of transaction is both ultra-low and extremely simple:
- We don't apply a percentage-based transaction charge
- We do apply one single, fixed, ultra-competitive fee
- We never increase this fee whatever the transaction value...
Simple... Transparent... Affordable!
At NTC we're dedicated to delivering ultra-competitive rates for merchants. By accepting debit card payments made as a swipe and PIN entry transaction you can hugely reduce your exposure to processing fees.
How Does a Debit Card Transaction Work?
1) The debit card is swiped through your card reader
2) The customer enters their PIN (Personal Identification Number) to authorize the transaction
3) The customer's debit card is directly linked to their checking account which funds the purchase
4) The funds are transferred to your business' account
5) You pay a single, low, flat-rate fee per purchase
How Does Taking Debit Card Payments Help My Company?
1) You offer a fast, safe, simple and popular way for your customers to pay
2) You save money as a result of the low, flat-rate fee
EBT Acceptance - a Great Way to Take Payments!
Since the late 1990s the old food stamp programs have been replaced by the modern and secure EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) system. EBT allows recipients of government benefits to access those benefits easily and securely using a credit/debit style card. The card can be used at participating retailers to pay for eligible goods.
Accepting EBT payments is a great way for businesses to attract eligible customers and boost revenue. Food retailers especially benefit from EBT acceptance since the USDA's SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) applies benefits to EBT cards specifically to fund food purchases.
Recipients of certain benefits are free to use their card to pay for any goods or services they require. This means that EBT acceptance can be beneficial to a wide range of businesses and retailers. We believe that whatever sector you trade in delivering the widest possible choice of payment options is a key to your success.
How Will EBT Work Within My Business?
EBT payments are as simple and convenient for retailers/businesses as they are for customers. The transaction process is very similar to that involved when a purchase is made via a debit/credit card:
- The customer chooses to use their EBT card to fund their purchase
- The card is swiped and the customer enters their unique PIN to authorize the payment
- Provided sufficient funds are present in the customer's Federal account the purchase is allowed to proceed
- The funds are transferred to the merchant's account
EBT Acceptance - a Choice Your Customers Deserve!
As a leading merchant account provider NTC are able to process EBT transactions. As a socially responsible business we are proud to do so - here's why:
- Many people right across the US live in a state of financial hardship and rely on government benefits- The situation has worsened since the financial crisis
- Recipients of benefits are often unable to secure credit card accounts
- They may not have access to safe, modern ways to pay for the goods or services they need
The EBT program was implemented to address these issues. The old food stamps/paper coupons have been replaced by a discreet, secure card. This offers the fastest and simplest way for customers receiving benefits to pay for goods from participating merchants.
Businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of giving back to the communities they trade within. In addition to broadening your revenue stream accepting EBT payments shows your company's commitment to serving and supporting the financially vulnerable.
Where Does EBT Operate?
The program is active nationwide. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico all support EBT as a means of issuing government benefits.
Why Should I Choose NTC for my Card Processing Needs?
We are trusted by thousands of companies across the US and Canada. We work with businesses of all sizes operating in all sectors. By delivering market leading payment processing solutions we enable excellence.
To learn about our full range of services simply explore the 'Business Solutions' menu to see what we can do for you.
- National Transaction Corporation
- April , 2024 | 2024-04-19

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